// The webpage "document" listens for an event titled "DOMContentLoaded".
// When this happens, it runs this "anonymous function"
// It takes no parameters, `()`, and runs everything inside the { }
() => {
// An array of splash text,
splashes = [
"born 2 post",
"Now with 100% more post!",
"Where's The Dog Honey?",
"I love you thiiiiiiis much",
// And now, inside the webpage "document", find our "splash", and set its text.
// What do we set it to? splashes[ some_random_index ]
document.getElementById("splash").textContent = splashes[
Math.floor(Math.random() * splashes.length)
// Most programming languages have something like "Math.randrange(0, splashes.length)"
// But JavaScript hates you
<p id="splash"></p>
Also I decided to implement this, if you don't want the Thrill of Discovery and would rather just have someone tell you how to do it. (Which is okay + 100% cool to do)
I also want to figure out how to have randomized "splash" text on my index page like Minecraft. That should be pretty simple I figure, but I am no good with javascript so it's eluded me lol
Is your site a static page (just html+css+js files and folders) or did you take the Route Of Pain and use something like php? You can definitely do this with JavaScript
You write with the timing of a good YouTube video. Any unscrupulous Influencer would do well to wade into your posts.
There are six realms and each is united by highly conserved traits, i.e. genome sequences that are shared between them even through evolutionary weirdness and the like.
Like, come on, this is some Gauntlet: Dark Legacy shit. This is some "Super Mario Brothers" stuff. I think this happened in Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Viruses stand for "Video Gamesiruses" I think
This is a lovely post and I hope you are feeling better as of my reading this
I am once again coming to these late, and once again, it's full of bangers. It's hard to pick a favorite quote. This is such a fantastic hook:
The Taylor Glacier of the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctic bleeds. There is just a waterfall of deep red, bloody water that spouts from the side down onto West Lake Bonney. I assume this was an absolutely horrific sight to the 1911 Terra Nova Expedition guys, particularly Thomas Griffith Taylor, who named it. It is regrettable it did not start doing cosmic horror to him, given that he was a shitty race scientist guy.
You may be wondering several things, most notably, why in God's name is the world bleeding? Why is there so much blood? Why is it there, at the frozen ends of the earth? Can God save us? No, silly, of course He can't. This is the domain of Microbes.
Thank you again for this effortpost, it should be under f/best_post because this is one of the best posts.
I have had this interaction several times. I would love to feel your pulsing brane (that is, I would love to see your simulations / know more about the context) (I love probability, and verifying with my good pal Monte Carlo)
I have, I loved it, until the ending started to build up. I dislike supernatural horror, it takes anything to "Scooby Doo" levels of seriousness to me. Throw in something Satanic-Panic adjacent and I just lose all interest.
Congratulations on quitting smoking!! That's impressive and good for you, and by extension, for the cause of Posting.
BONUS: "Green Room". A24 always produces films that, at minimum, don't feel like a waste of time to watch. "Green Room" is about a metal band who is in the wrong place (a neo nazi bar) at the wrong time (witnesses what might be a murder). I think horror is at its best when it feels like a real thing which could happen. Highly recommended
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by Jenheadjen in Do you own {item}? And do you like it? For each item in (1) Steam Deck (2) Firearm(s) (3) Laser printer (4) Heating pad (5) Stovetop kettle by twovests
here's five more:
(6) Compression socks (7) Camping tent (8) Hand warmers (9) Mechanical pencil (10) 3D printer