twovests wrote
Reply to throwing up 3 & knuckles: the review by emma
Please do talk to a doctor about that, that actually sounds bad and scary. I hope it's nothing
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Someone tell me what Sonic games to play by twovests
If that voiceline was in the game, I wouldn't have been able to tell, because of the audio mixing
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Someone tell me what Sonic games to play by twovests
Update: WOW that's a bad game
It does a few things very well, but this game is defined by jank. It was bad in 2001 and it's unplayable in 2024. Every moment that felt good is subverted by the horrible controls. It's damning that this is the best of the 3D Sonics, too.
The Sonic/Shadow levels are good, the Tails/Eggman levels would be okay if it weren't for the BEEEEEEEEEEEEEPBEEEEEEEEPBEEEEEEEP, and the Knuckles/Rouge levels bring the whole thing down.
I have so much positive memory of this game that I threw away by playing it again. This one should have cooked a lot, lot longer.
I wish I had more good things to say about this. Chao Garden is the best part of the game though
twovests wrote
Reply to coworker offered me kombucha mother by oolong
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in My vote was never counted and my election officials never got back to me. by twovests
Yeah, this exactly. That's the feeling I'm getting. Maybe there's a reasonable explanation, but maybe the road to hell is lined with "benefit of the doubt".
twovests wrote
must have been great to wake up
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in I believe every conspiracy theory. Even contradictory ones. by flabberghaster
Have you heard of "expanding earth theory"?
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in funny psychosexual nightmares (nsfw) by twovests
I want to stress that these are all very funny dreams. A "you had to be there" thing. Like, I am simply the victim of a Bugs Bunny or a Clown perhaps, but there is no malicious intent.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in shadow's story is one of radical self acceptance. you are all of you. never forget it by twovests
sure but that's just what self acceptance is. you're already doing stellar
twovests OP wrote
Reply to Someone tell me what Sonic games to play by twovests
Update: I am just playing "Sonic Adventure 2 Battle" again.
This style of Sonic game translates really well, and I think it's because the levels are navigable at-speed. I think having small segments to explore, interspersed with "hold forward here" sections, is a really smart idea.
And that opening level really holds up as one of the best of all time. Sorry Doom E1M1, there's a reason you aren't an opening level so beloved that it's casually and consistently remade like Mario 1-1 or Green Hills.
The casual absurdity and destruction is fun. The game is so janky but so charming.
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by neku in The “Blob” Is Furious About Gaza. But That’s Not Enough. by Moonside
Within context, this sounds like they're talking specifically about those inside the Executive branch of the United States:
But the further down the ranks you go, the more pervasive the anger at the US’s complicity in mass slaughter becomes. An entire contingent of junior White House staffers, for instance, made up a “staffer bloc” in pro-ceasefire demonstrations in Washington, DC. As a former US diplomat, I know that many people have resigned quietly and anonymously over Gaza. Many want to quit but literally don’t know what other work they’d be qualified for. These administrators—the ones who make up most of the foreign policy bureaucracy that the Obama administration derided as “the Blob”—are the ones angriest about American policy in Gaza. They are also the ones who can do the least about it, and they know it.
(That said, I have only read part of this article so far)
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Someone tell me what Sonic games to play by twovests
These are many points in the Mania camp!
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Someone tell me what Sonic games to play by twovests
I appreciate this breakdown, I remember Mania receiving a lot of love.
I definitely tried to play the original a few times over the years but I never understood how Sonic was meant to be played. The levels in most 2D Sonics seem to zip by too fast for me to meaningfully interact with them. I think I might start with Mania and then move back
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in shadow's story is one of radical self acceptance. you are all of you. never forget it by twovests
!!! Incredibly cool. Thank you Shadow the Hedgehog for this Plural Pride thread
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in shadow's story is one of radical self acceptance. you are all of you. never forget it by twovests
(yoooo i'm plural too, plural high five)
(i still stand with Shadow the Hedgehog of course)
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in Someone tell me what Sonic games to play by twovests
Sonic moves too fast for me. This might be the Sonic for me
twovests wrote
a classic
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in Get your TDaP booster and Polio booster and Chickenpox booster and MMR booster and HepA booster and HepB booster and HPV booster and covid booster and by twovests
i made it up
the thinking is that the recommendation schedule is built around assuming herd immunity, and so it doesn't matter if efficacy wears off over the years
twovests wrote
Reply to What is the difference between tangerines mandarins and clementines and all those other things by SWORDSCROSSED
All I know is, the smaller they are, the easier to peel and the more scrumptuous.
twovests wrote
Reply to SO LONG SHITTY JOB AHAHAHAHA by hollyhoppet
🔴fuck yeah!!!!🔵
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Has anyone here made a Rasbperry Pi compute cluster? by twovests
- i assume netboot is magic and that's beautiful
twovests OP wrote
Also consider this an open offer for me to give you my Raspberry Pis for free. I think they would be better suited in your hands than in mine!
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in "puppy play" is when everyone needs to be nice to you, pet you, and give you snacks by twovests
i have gone to one "play" "party" and so i am an authority on this matter. this is what happened irl
social contract was we treated him like a dog. which turns out to be total adoration
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in "puppy play" is when everyone needs to be nice to you, pet you, and give you snacks by twovests
water sports is jetskiing
twovests OP wrote
Reply to Someone tell me what Sonic games to play by twovests
My favorite quote from Sonic the Hedgehog is when Sonic said "I'm Sonic the Hedgehog"
My favorite quote from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is when Robotnik said "I'll get you, Tails! And Sonic the Hedgehog, too!"
My favorite quote from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is when Sonic said, "I'm Sonic the Hedgehog! Three of us are here to kick your butt!"