twovests wrote
juxt pose is the very best place
the very best place to pose
twovests wrote
Reply to when the cat im catsitting shits in my cats' box, and my cats shit in his, that is basically the feline equivalent of collecting streetpasses by emma
these are the kinds of friendships that you don't see so often in this post-myspace world
twovests wrote
Reply to when the cat im catsitting shits in my cats' box, and my cats shit in his, that is basically the feline equivalent of collecting streetpasses by emma
these are the kinds of friendships that you don't see so often in this post-myspace world
twovests wrote
this is what we need more of in the world (women)
twovests wrote
Reply to They're dead by Seirdy
let's keep looking just in case
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by neku in How Money Destroys The Earth - Fiat Fire [Tay Zonday] by hollyhoppet
i was in early middleschool when this came out and the vibe i got was that people were like "haha absurd meme song"
im happy i heard it a hundred times because it opened my eyes to a lot of things i wasn't getting in school
"the school books say it can't be back again" was one of the lyrics straightforward enough that it helped me untangle the other lyrics, like "build a tent and say the world is dry"
(at the time, my understanding was that racism ended in america in the 1860s and again in the 1960, both being ancient history)
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in More like CRAPtocurrencies by flabberghaster
nonono you should keep making fun of it
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by neku in More like CRAPtocurrencies by flabberghaster
yeah, this is exactly true.
there are few usecases where monero is better than cash, and that's mostly only if you're participating in an economy that uses monero (and i don't know of any). everyone with monero wants to get cash for it so they can buy real things
and to buy monero "privately" with cash, you still need to go through literally every step you have to go through for physical money
and like victoria said, the use cases for monero are Mostly Very Illicit Goods anyways
twovests wrote
Reply to help i made a tpyo in my post title and someone gave me a virus that removes the edit button on my comptuer can a moderator please fix this by ___
@moderators , if you feel so inclined to cruelty, fix the typo but when you do put in another
REWARD: 🪙🪙 2 doubloons
twovests wrote
Reply to More like CRAPtocurrencies by flabberghaster
in case you are asking sincerely,
Is it too late to be doing crypto stuff
tldr: yeah pretty much, it's all rancid, and your effort would be better spent elsewhere
I was in Crypto Stuff off-and-on for a few years.
the pool of Idealistic Talented Engineers Building Crypto Shit has kind of dried out. there's not much goodwill or hope that cryptocurrencies will be anything other than a scam platform.
The Ethereum Name Service is probably the best example of where the cracks shown. ENS was a pretty straightforward and necessary idea (unless you want to try to revive petnames for identifiers in global namespaces). ENS is arguably an improvement on DNS.
The problem is that when ENS dropped, every neat domain was instantly gobbled up by rent seeking assholes. For all the Good Design of the tech, it was worthless, because nobody wants to do anything worthwhile on Ethereum.
It's kind of a shame. I was involved in a volunteer project that started after the covid pandemic, where the intention was to create supply chains for disaster relief which were resistant to significant infrastructure collapse. Being able to set up bartering and trade systems based on peer-to-peer communications (bluetooth) would be super useful for disaster relief. This was a problem with a solution that overlapped significantly with cryptocurrency technology (and other adjacent tech, primarily SSB.)
There was a lot of potential in that project, but a lot of people (myself included) lost faith in it because of cryptocoin shit.
Another major issue is that the years have shown that "smart contracts" are really difficult to get right. Solidity (used to code on Ethereum) is a leaky abstraction. Anything except very simple features and ERC-20 tokens ("shitcoins") are likely to be broken in a year.
If you do want to do "crypto stuff", I think it'd be in the form of picking up the pieces. I was responsible for the design of a tool that was going to use ZK-snarks for some sysadmin shenanigans, and yeah, the most mature implementation was for some Ethereum thing.
The only thing left in cryptocurrency that's "good" (in the sense of fulfilling its basic goals) is the ability to make private payments. Even then, this requires a lot of effort, technical knowledge, and opsec, and is usually only worth it for hierarchical organizations. (So, a sex worker or your plug is less likely to use Monero, but someone a layer or two up might.)
I think the most interesting bits within cryptocurrencies would require the minimum of the following:
- Consumer tech should be capable of being a full node over inconsistent P2P connections.
- On that note, it should be usable by end users without a compromisable intermediary.
- The tech does not reward rent-seeking or other destructive capitalist behavior. (Again, ENS)
- Uber, DoorDash, etc. would shut down, because gig-economy workers would make more money operating over this network
- (seriously, one of the biggest failures of cryptocoins is that uber still fucking exists)
- (what was the point of this all if uber still takes 30%)
And this is all assuming you think the goal of "enabling a currency-based economy" is something you think is a noble one, which is a whole different thing to talk about.
twovests wrote
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Fast times at federated reddit clone high by bunnies
holy shit, thank you for bringing this up here. i guess i liked kbin so much because it took from my favorite ever piece of software
and im with you, fuck the people tone policing you there!
(thank u for post mill)
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Fast times at federated reddit clone high by bunnies
holy shit, thank you for bringing this up here. i guess i liked kbin so much because it took from my favorite ever piece of software
and im with you, fuck the people tone policing you there!
(thank u for post mill)
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by bunnies in Fast times at federated reddit clone high by bunnies
what is a thesis but a long blogpost with more citations
i would read ur thesis
twovests wrote
Reply to Fast times at federated reddit clone high by bunnies
you've summed this up pretty excellently yeah
the gap in my knowledge is if kbin is Good or not. i saw it posted on hackernews and my biggest fear is to see jstpst posted there too
twovests OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by cute_spider in seriousposting: are there sites like stallman dot org which is run by someone who is not richard stallman? by twovests
This is exactly what I am looking for! Thank u
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in What are some good readings about why eugenics is harmful, specifically targeting younger or less-educated people? (Serious-posting) by twovests
oh yeah! thank you, this is one of my fave comics in this matter. i think it captures one of the easiest-to-understand-points very succinctly. (specifically, a point that doesn't require A Lot Of Science Knowledge to fully understand)
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in juicero by twovests
Assuming air dynamics aren't actually modeled, the glider has air resistance built in and faked (probably a function of torque, momentum, and angle.)
This -- impressively -- fakes the compression of air, i.e. squishing physics, just as Juicero fakes the compression of fruit.
The Zelda universe does not canonically state it is not one where all the atomic particles are delicious fruits.
Conclusion: Perhaps we already have a juicero, and it's the glider?
twovests wrote
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in What are some good readings about why eugenics is harmful, specifically targeting younger or less-educated people? (Serious-posting) by twovests
i've gotta say, this comment alone is really good resource. i appreciate this
i'm a big fan of the socratic method but i don't think i would have come up with all these questions like this
(your comment also reminds me of this SMBC comic, which is essentially a socratic dialogue, and also presents one good argument)
twovests wrote
Reply to do you use fountain pens? by oolong
i tried a bunch but i always find myself back on retractable ball point pens
i feel it's kind of like vim with how people espouse them
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Not a shitpost: Experiments on a $50 DIY air purifier you can make in 30s by twovests
I'm curious if you have one you recommend? Especially if they can compete with this $50 (more like $70 now) box fan.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in $0 and years in the past... by twovests
you can still do this on GNOME!
twovests wrote
Reply to Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales is creating another reddit clone. by cute_spider
i think the worst thing i can think of him is that he had been associated with libertarianism and sold an nft once
nothing abhorrent. i think wales sees a lot of value reddit had for information and community and this gives me sincere hope