skookin OP wrote
Reply to i seent a bumper bug by skookin
the crane fly, that most delicious and abundant morsel of food for birds and spiders and everyone who enjoys a juicy bug after a chilly winter
skookin wrote
Reply to thinking about lesbians by Jenheadjen
ahhh... -v-
skookin wrote
Reply to Microbe Monday: There is a Hole in the Antarctic Ice; Tainted Blood Flows From the Desolate & Wounded Earth by WRETCHEDSORCERESS
thats rly cool thank u
skookin OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in (arachnophobia cw) my house spider friend has woven an egg case by skookin
np :>
skookin OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in by skookin
o shit sorry
skookin wrote
that sounds so good
skookin wrote
Reply to you know what's pretty neat? birds by hollyhoppet
i go silly for the many tiny dinosaurs who grace me with their presence, and bribe them with peanuts regularly
skookin wrote
skookin wrote
gr8 post thank u for posting
skookin OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in cheese grits n fried eggs by skookin
skookin wrote
skookin wrote
that sucks. i hope ur chicken noodle soup making is chill and it comes out just right
skookin OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in tried asking my primary care doctor about getting my tubes tied, was discouraged by skookin
i guess its worth a try. i did get my current bc from them and it was a great experience, minimal runaround
skookin wrote (edited )
Reply to Toast and Veggie Bacon by Jenheadjen
was the veggie bacon good? what was it made of out of curiosity
skookin wrote
Reply to "Wood" flavors and "smoke" flavors are welcome. We love barrel-aged foods which soak in the natural smells of the wood. And we eat a lot of fiber in our diet. Are there any meals for which wood is a notable ingredient, even if used in small amounts? by twovests
u could make those cambium chips/flour
skookin wrote
live your dreams, i don't think you need to go through any official channels to be a good citizen of the earth
skookin wrote
Reply to Epitaph of a Cockroach by cowloom
hey this is really good. i think about this concept a lot, and i consider myself roommates with most all the bugs that live in my house. theres a clan of house spiders that live with me and eat mosquitoes and other bugs that get lost in here, we are good friends
skookin wrote
Reply to I legit think if you're not still masking, you're kind of a fucking asshole. by flabberghaster
me and my partner still mask in any indoor public place, including school and work. i pester my mom into wearing hers, too. tbh i simply can't go back to breathing in every droplet of uncovered sneeze particle that the unmasked crowds are blasting.
skookin wrote
i like to make cowboy coffee and then put condensed milk, vanilla and molasses in it
bonus is that i can make it in a regular cooking pot, and i never have to buy filters
skookin wrote
Reply to the moon is beautiful this week by oolong
the moon was so nice from my window
i tried to take a picture but my phone camera was not powerful enough to capture the majesty
skookin OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in trying to bake some bread today. fingers crossed i don't lose power due to the hurricane halfway thru this process by skookin
it was good! we got lucky and never actually lost power. the bread itself was nice and soft bc i put some cooked split pea puree into the dough
skookin wrote
Reply to pink coconut water by oolong