oneviolence wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in they tried to send a pakig to my street address number minus one which doesn't exist by hollyhoppet
oneviolence wrote
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in *YOU* are going to get PUNCHED!! by oneviolence
Oh no, i was just gone for a bit, im not the one punching, i am simply supplying you with an Omen.
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in *YOU* are going to get PUNCHED!! by oneviolence
Im not violent. I am Warning You of an Incoming Punch!! Not from my hands, though!!!
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in *YOU* are going to get PUNCHED!! by oneviolence
Im not the one punching, im a pacifist.
oneviolence wrote
Youre living the Cyberpunk Dream
oneviolence wrote
oneviolence wrote
Reply to Preemptive Lunchposting by 500poundsofnothing
And how did that go?
oneviolence wrote
Reply to Getting pretty OK at solitaire by flabberghaster
Horrible. Outrageous. Disgusting.
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Just shclonking, straight up,, on my winkle!! by oneviolence
oneviolence wrote
Reply to Just Listen - Flabberghaster by twovests
I didnt know you made music, /u/Flabberghaster!!!
oneviolence wrote
Reply to I just drank some water by flabberghaster
Thats pretty H2O-pilled of you.
oneviolence wrote
looking forward to seeing your progress.
I expect you to put at least 20% of your upcoming power into Posting.
oneviolence wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in Just saw a new psychiatrist. And she was actually nice to me ?? by ___
oneviolence wrote
Reply to am I still welcome by ___
oneviolence wrote
I have returned to my original Account. This introduction still stands
oneviolence wrote
Reply to And this is my second cat, Midna by cowloom
Shes so pretty!!!
oneviolence wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in Four plums by nomorepie
My Window Plums!!!
oneviolence wrote
Reply to I might adopt a cat soon. I need to come up with a name for in case I do go through with this. by toasthaste
Vehicular Manslaughter (or "Vehi" for short)
oneviolence wrote
Reply to i have i'm poster syndrome by hollyhoppet
Very good!
oneviolence wrote (edited )
In my shoulder bag i carry with me everywhere i have the following:
- Raincoat
- Umbrella
- Tissues
- First aid kit (painkillers, plasters, gauze, anti-histamines, etc.)
- Power bank (x2),
- USB-C, Lightning Jack, and Micro USB adapters
- Shopping bag
- Emergency sewing kit (needles, safety pins, and dental floss for thread)
- Pads and Tampons
- Glue
- Ducttape
- Zip ties
- Pen
- Permanent Marker
- Snacks (1 salty, 1 sweet)
- Sunscreen
- Multitool
- Hairties
- Antidote kit (Danish equivalent of Narcan)
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I will perform Various Harms upon your corporeal being. by oneviolence
Too bad!
oneviolence wrote
oneviolence wrote
Reply to hube chart by flabberghaster
now thats just heresy
oneviolence wrote
Reply to imm gay by Jenheadjen
Incredible. Wonderful. Outstanding.