
neku wrote

I think reactionary internet culture is a symptom of a larger cultural illness and trying to point to a specific law or regulation as a fix for internet psychos is doomed to fail

Also what's to stop these companies from moving their operations to some other far right ruled nation? Moreover, who in the american government is going to be the one that tries to regulate social media? How much of the Democratic party's money comes from big tech donations?


neku wrote

do you think this is what he had in mind when he set out to do this presentation? i imagine he pitched some video editing house "a music video about me saying the word Memes that will undoubtedly go viral" and got this back like "ah. very well. guess im showing this to a room full of admen. cheerio"


neku wrote

after using lastpass for what must be at least eight years i have no clue what any of my passwords are. the only exception is work. our stock management app logs you out after 30 minutes of inactivity but for the sake of the Company i persisted with cybersecurity. it used to be 8XDHTQjup7 which i thought was a pretty secure password but apparently it wasn't fucking good enough because after six months of working there i had to change it. so now it's "CDpassword1" which takes a lot less time to tap out when you have a customer staring at you waiting for an answer to their question