
neku wrote

Reply to unposted posts by twovests

*paul rudd in the tim and eric celery man skit voice* computer, give me "christmas is fascist"

also interested in "everyone is plural", "bad intersection", and "suicide subforum idea"


neku wrote

Reply to by twovests

it came to a head



neku wrote

well, it's the democratic guiding ethos: "For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin." the same strategy that guided them to victory in 2016


neku OP wrote

its so cool how much hes trying to be like "ohh... you're playing checkers while i'm playing 5d chess, 400 moves ahead" when hes unreservedly posting shit that wp engine lawyers will use in court to score another couple million off him. i simply can't comprehend it (other than remembering that silicon valley executive types have all pickled their brains with ketamine)


neku wrote

Reply to comment by emma in i deleted my mozilla account by emma

what are the chrome manifest v3 changes if not a way for google to make sure people see their ads? and stuff like this? i don't disagree with your reasoning but youre giving google more credit than they deserve. also google proudly integrates AI into chrome it's the first header you see on their website and the second thing you see scrolling down.

i don't really use AI but it makes sense that when every other browser is trying to integrate it firefox would experiment with doing the same by putting an AI thing into its opt-in experimental settings thing. it doesn't even impact you unless you look for it

again i don't disagree with your thinking that a potential ad business could affect firefox users. but tech companies make pointless acquisitions that they never use all the time. if you disagreed with that new setting that firefox introduced that "Allow[ed] websites to perform privacy-preserving ad measurement," that would be one thing, but this new subsidiary hasnt even impacted the browser at all yet. and even if it did, i can't imagine a world where you wouldn't be able to easily circumvent that using settings or extensions 🤷

at the end of the day bickering about browsers is nearly as stupid as console wars fanboy type shit so you do you but idk!! to me, i think offering a more or less quality browser for free for like 20 years has earned them a little bit of good will. i just have faith that theyre not going to funnel all my browser history towards ad companies in the near future, whereas i dont have that faith in google


neku wrote

i don't really contend that, but i feel like claiming that mozilla and google are equally Spyware is throwing the baby out with the bathwater to a ludicrous degree. thats especially so when you consider that mozilla just bought an ad company as subsidiary, whereas ads are google's fundamental stock in trade


neku wrote

people itt are complaining that mozilla is an advertising company ... while talking about switching to chrome? am i huffing glue?


neku wrote

yeah i would say that "miserable to jsut bad" is a good enough descriptor of how venlafaxine has worked for me. most days i dont feel much of anything. on tuesday i forgot to take my pills in the morning and got a bad grade on an assignment in the evening and i was genuinely planning my own suicide. and even that was after taking them at like 5 pm (when usually i take em around 8 am). feeling that miserable reminded me of how i used to be before i was settled on my medication. when life feels bad all the time it's hard to remember that five years ago life felt so much worse.

idk what your Antidepressant Journey has been like but i tried three or four different pills over a couple of years before settling on venlafaxine. sometimes i feel like what little i've accomplished in my life so far is only thanks to that drug. it might just be that the pills you're on right now aren't right for you. if that's the case then i would do my best to try something else b/c clearly the regimen youre on right now isn't working. but if not, well... treatment-resistant depression is a real thing.

when doctors and psychiatrists are so shit, it's hard to know if the problem is the drugs or the lack of care you're being given. therapy helps as a rule but that's cold comfort for people that therapy doesn't help. i'm navelgazing a little bit too much in this post so i guess my main point is like... every person is different and there are a million different types of antidepressant drugs out there that affects every person differently. i dont think it helps you if you discount them as a whole. there's no point in taking drugs that dont work for you, so try different ones if you can, and hopefully, you can settle on something that does make a difference in your life. and, you know, maybe these drugs cant make you happy, but i'm sure there's one out there that can improve your mood enough that you can start making changes that will make you more content. i've never had a day that i would call better than like, 6/10 on the happiness scale, but like, i've been able to do stuff that i care about that i probably never would have been able to without medication. i've accepted that i'll probably always be thinking up creative new ways to kill myself, but in the meantime, i'm putting effort toward building a life with purpose. idk