Submitted by flabberghaster in just_post

This is most people, who've given up on masking, almost no one still is. Which just means that most people are selfish assholes, in my opinion.

Back during peak caring about the pandemic, when people felt that they were under threat, everyone was all "we're all in this together" and "take steps to protect others". But the second that government guidance came out that actually if you take the vaccine you're safe so don't worry about it (which is false, you're safER, but by NO means safe), suddenly it went to everyone saying "oh if you want to wear a mask i've decided to magnanimously allow that and not object."

That means that the disabled and immune compromised people who can't afford to catch it at all are trapped inside.

It is not hard to wear a mask. The fact that no one does means those who require others to take steps to make public life accessible to them are locked out of most of society.

If you are saying "well it's kind of annoying and no one else is" then I think you need to shut the fuck up and stop whining.



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twovests wrote

in my defense, masking with a used mask makes me sneeze and then i have to take the mask off "grilled cheese" style, and that's worse for everyone i think

if i went outside more often it would be a big deal


iya wrote

Im having a very hard time imagining what you mean by grilled cheese but im intrigued now. Could you explain this mayhaps…


twovests wrote

Well you see, it is disgusting. Just like peeling apart the slices of bread leaves behind two gooey cheesy sides, so pulling off my mask does leave two gooey sticky sides


emma wrote

this is certainly one of the posts of all time


twovests wrote

surely i am not the only one to have experienced this


neku wrote

reading this made me feel hguahguhghglughauhguhgh :(


twovests wrote

have to be honest, i thought i was making a hilarious comment about a universal experience

everyone had sneezed in their masks right? everyone has introduced snot into an already too moist environment right?


neku wrote

i mean in the summertime, sometimes it can get a little damp in there, but i'm not much of a sneezer, so. maybe i'm just discounting the experiences of chronic honkers and universalising my own privilege


skookin wrote

me and my partner still mask in any indoor public place, including school and work. i pester my mom into wearing hers, too. tbh i simply can't go back to breathing in every droplet of uncovered sneeze particle that the unmasked crowds are blasting.