Submitted by hollyhoppet in yourpersonalblog (edited )
Submitted by hollyhoppet in lunch
Fusion Vol. 3: Dreamland of Wonder, by Kshiraki
kshiraki2.bandcamp.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet in post_music
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_post
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_post
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_post
Himiko Kikuchi - Look Your Back (1987)
youtube.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet in post_music
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_post
This Mario 2 Theme Is An ENTIRE Jazz Piano MASTERCLASS - Charles Cornell
youtube.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet in post_music (edited )
Rainbow Road
youtube.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet in post_music
Submitted by hollyhoppet in meta (edited )
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to can someone help me fill out the male alphabet by twovests
nu male -- thinks they're on the forefront of culture but will be considered tacky in a decade
beta male is already accounted for, they stand in opposition to alpha males
iota male -- introvert. nervous. constantly making himself as small as possible