
devtesla wrote

You're not the only one, lol. That's largely a source material problem, as the manga got indulgent, dense, and hard to follow at this point. The arc had a significantly worse reputation until the anime, where it was slow but at least you had a reasonable chance of actually understanding it. I do love it a lot tho


devtesla OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by toasthaste in anime of the decade by devtesla

lol, I started out with a list of my favorite anime from each year so it ended up as a fairly even spread. here's a breakdown because I'm a big nerd:

2010: 2
2011: 3
2012: 2
2013: 2
2014: 4
2015: 2
2016: 2
2017: 3
2018: 4
2019: 1

so that's a slight trend overall towards older (2010-14) shows vs newer, 13 to 12. in the top ten that's reversed, 2015-19 wins 6 to 4. there's a little concentration in 2017-18, offset by only one show from 2019. nothing significant I feel.

I will say I'm being a weirdo by putting Beastars on the list as that show hasn't even finished airing, but I fucking love Beastars. I knew I was either going to overrate or underrate it by ranking it now so I decided to aim high.


devtesla wrote

youtube is such a fucking mess and I feel so bad for anyone who relies on youtube partner income. the rules for what makes you money and what doesn't changes rapidly, randomly, and opaquely. this COPPA stuff is entirely about google's horrible maintenance of youtube as a platform and the people who getting fucked over by google finally following the law deserve compensation