devtesla wrote
Reply to UFO 50 is inauthentic because theres too much thought put into the games by I_got_killed_one_time
It's so fucking good
devtesla wrote
Reply to am I still welcome by ___
very happy to see you post!!
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in Planetes Intro (2004) by cowloom
Locksmith is who Elon pretends to be tbh Lol
devtesla wrote
Reply to Planetes Intro (2004) by cowloom
Planetes is amazing and thoughtful and cynical about space for 2004. And then the actual history of space in the decades since has been even fucking dumber.
devtesla wrote
Reply to relaunching my site with a blog and shit by voxpoplar
I love the badges Lol
devtesla wrote
Reply to I told my friends about jstpst by 500poundsofnothing
Yes? And?
devtesla wrote
Reply to were hitler and JFK's deaths ever contentious or were my parents just conspiracy theorists? by twovests
Hitler no, JFK yes. Everyone believes Hitler shot himself towards the end of the world. While the official story is that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and that host shooter Jack Ruby acted alone, a majority of Americans don't think that's credible (I'm in that majority Lol). There's not really a consensus about what really happened though.
devtesla wrote
Reply to really interesting showcase and meditation on overriding default browser behaviour by voxpoplar
This straight up doesn't work on my phone lol
devtesla wrote
Not believing this and I'm not looking up if naps are healthy or not. just assuming that they are
devtesla wrote (edited )
Reply to What RSS reader do people recommend? by voxpoplar
I've used Feedbin since before google reader shut down, which is a great service but requires a subscription. Very nice web app, super reliable, consistently gets new useful features. It handles email newsletters too, and stuff like YouTube and podcasts is handled well. For feeds that don't have full text it can go in and grab a reader view of the site, which rules. You can set up push notifications if you really need to.
$50/year is kinda high? But I use it every day and straight up never had any issues so I'll definitely stick with it.
devtesla wrote
You should carry around a stuffed animal so you just always have a friend with you. Also glasses cleaner.
devtesla wrote
Reply to hi jstpst by toasthaste
I'm chillin
devtesla wrote
Reply to I'm nice now, and no longer trying to defraud other users or foment lawsuits against the site by flabberghaster
Animal Crossing....
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by nitori in Jstpst Is Not Shutting Down by twovests
that could be aesthetic
devtesla wrote
fall into a pile of cashews face first mouth open
devtesla wrote
Reply to Jstpst Is Not Shutting Down by twovests
Yeah jstpst isn't even close to shutting down, I feel I should mention that Lol.
Sad about cohost! There was a moment where I thought about posting there more, but a part of my reasoning to avoid it was just that there was no way it was going to last, I didn't really trust the management.
But yes! Thank you everyone for posting!
devtesla wrote
just post
devtesla wrote
Reply to apple event prediction by emma
wow you were completely correct
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Watching Youtube Shorts with Momoka by devtesla
Banned from talking about anime
devtesla wrote
Reply to I think I should be allowed to kill the person responsible for the glitchy and inconsistent behavior I am experiencing in my work software by 500poundsofnothing
Jack Kilby is already dead
devtesla wrote
yeah it sucks!!! wishing the best to Tim
devtesla wrote (edited )
Give me all your posts!!! Give it to me!!!
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by Jenheadjen in JRPGs by devtesla
jrpg stands for "good videogame"
devtesla wrote
Reply to as a fellow creator of a self-hosted PHP-based web platform, i promise to not go ape shit like the automattic/wordpress/tumblr ceo has, for at least another year or two by emma
Thank you