
cute_spider wrote

Getting my life together, you know?


Keeping a clean house corresponds directly timeline-wise when I started to make irl friends*, being able to keep a stable job, and generally getting my own life together.

For me, it was year 26 that I hit sloppy and gross rock bottom. I hired a maid for an afternoon to help me get back to "reasonable". She and I threw out so much junk and cleaned so hard that I was able to say, "never again!" She was the professional help that I needed at that time.

Do you like candles? I love a quietly burning candle in a freshly cleaned space :3

I'm really happy for you to have been bitten by the cleaning bug!

*previously, I had internet friends and my sister's friends. now I have my own irl friends that my sister doesn't even know!


cute_spider wrote

someone on the reddit site made the point that if a queer space has a cis-het person or two, that was a good sign that the space was widely accepting to anyone, including people who are questioning or confused. spaces without a token cishet may also be inclusive, but may also expect a minimum level of "queerness" and may also expect other uniformities of thought and identity

But, like... pride? Pride has a ton of cishet allies why would we change that?