
cute_spider OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by twovests in 2 by cute_spider

well yes but it would be awful silly of me to absolutely respect the rules and bannings of such a silly sub where the rules did not matter


cute_spider OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by twovests in 2 by cute_spider

Yeah I can submit but I wont until you tell me I'm unbanned

edit: nvm it is okay to break rules in order to test systems. I can post yes.


cute_spider OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by cute_spider in test bird by cute_spider

It looks like someone's gotta update the file "_macros.html.twig" line 63 & 64

<img src="{{ submission.image|imagine_filter('submission_thumbnail_1x') }}"
srcset="{{ submission.image|imagine_filter('submission_thumbnail_2x') }} 2x"


<img src="{{ submission.image|imagine_filter('submission_thumbnail_1x')|split('://')[1] }}"
srcset="{{ submission.image|imagine_filter('submission_thumbnail_2x')|split('://')[1] }} 2x"

that would be my best guess.

I mean ideally imagine_filter would return https instead of http, but idk how to mess with imagine_filter


cute_spider wrote (edited )

I don't really know French, but I think V. Hugo was going for something like that classic Simpsons joke.

Like the whole thing is supposed to be

Les Miserab, Les

But I don't think it translates to English very well so they just left it Les Miserables for American audiences.


cute_spider wrote (edited )

I do not care that some of this money was made in "options" or "bonuses" or the other kinds of ways that rich people hide how they pay themselves. That's how much they made; that much money, which might have gone anywhere and to anyone in the way that money does, instead wound up stopping with them.

Memorizing this for the next time I talk about wealthy people with my boss or dad