Recent comments in /f/vote_satan

rain wrote

The only reason I’m inclined to believe the number is the specificity of it. Despite it being “worse” if he had said a million, or one and a half million, I’d believe a round number was made up. 1.8m is a little to specific. I think he heard that number from someone in a briefing and liked it so it stuck.


neku wrote

this assumes that 1. accurate and timely population numbers stick in donald trump's head and 2. he is able to reliably retrieve those population numbers and deliver them aloud. i don't find it unrealistic that israel has murdered 300 thousand in gaza since oct 7 but using donald trump as a source for anything seems extremely dubious to me


rain wrote

Anything good you're doing is probably illegal, so only talk about it if you have to.

Even if it’s not illegal loose operational security can compromise the whole point of your action. Some things need saying out loud, somethings need to be kept quiet. Think before you speak, and if in doubt, shut the fuck up.

Public sites like this one are archived by the feds - and everyone else. Discord works with cops. A dozen or more companies know every place your phone has physically been used since you got it, and will sell this information for virtual peanuts to anyone who asks for it. VPNs have been caught logging ips. Your data is not safe, and in a time of fascism, that means you are not safe.

Communication may be critical to our success in the upcoming years, but it can just easily be our undoing. Learn to secure your phone, disable biometrics and use end to end encrypted messaging. Don’t take your daily phone to sensitive locations, and be prepared to wipe and abandon any device you do carry with you.

And seriously, like OP says, practice just not talking about some things.


Moonside wrote

Not yet, but its hegemony is definitely weakening. No one else is there to step up either. Russia has had its set backs in Ukraine and Syria. China is suffering from an economic bubble of its own and soon will have a declining population. India will be fucked by climate change sooner rather than later. Europe is mostly a threat to itself and migrants.

Anyways rightoids today are much too clownish to run a hegemony properly. Like Elon thinks developmental aid to neighbors of China from the US is DEI and not hegemonic bribes.


cowloom OP wrote

For example, no matter what else they do, Food Not Bombs feeds hungry people, and that is worth doing.

The point the video made was that while it is a good thing to do, it isn't toppling the conditions that give rise to starvation or homelessness in the first place, so it's not the most effective thing to do. Our org tried to do red charity and organizing work for a while, but we eventually had to face the fact that the charity work was eating up too much of our limited time, energy, and funding. Since we were such a small group of people, it was sapping most of the energy we could've been putting towards organizing, so we eventually had to make the difficult decision to suspend the program. The decision was delayed for quite a while because some people thought it was too heartless to stop doing grocery handouts.

At the same time they offer a chance for meeting people with similar values and philosophies.

They touched on that, too, and came to the conclusion that a limited grocery distribution could be useful as a stepping stone to connect with the advanced masses. If it's done with that in mind, with the intention of moving on to bigger and better things once you get more people on board, then it can be a good starting tactic.

That’s where having pre-established networks of people willing to help each other may be life saving - both for you and others.

Sure, I agree with this. I have a side project that I run that would fall under your definition of mutual aid (I can't say what it is, due to OpSec). But it's not a massive drain on my time or resources, so it's feasible for me to do. I think mutual aid should be something that the masses do themselves to support each other. The issue I'm talking about is when a self-proclaimed revolutionary org is spending all of its time and energy doing one-sided "mutual" aid work that doesn't get them any closer to revolution.


flabberghaster wrote

I know a lot of Marxists love to engage in violent fantasies about what to do about anarchists and ancoms but the end world they both describe is very nebulous. It's not that different, to me.

Having things organized in some way is not against anarchist principles but online Marxists love to talk about purging them and shit idk it's so weird and aggro.


flabberghaster wrote

Note that non anarchist philosophies also struggle with the question of "how do we prevent our system from being taken over by the badguys?" Whether it's monarchists saying "this system works great if the monarch is good but the trick is to make sure a doofus doesn't become monarch", or democracies wondering how we can prevent a demagogue from taking power and abolishing the democracy via popular vote. Even communists have the same problem: whatever administration you set up, how do you prevent it from turning itself into something terrible that's bad for people?

So yes, anarchism doesn't solve it but nothing else does either, IMO.


voxpoplar wrote

I have not read up a huge amount but I think the standard answer is something along the lines of that anarchism does not mean lack of organising, just lack of hierarchy.

After a revolution there would still be larger structure and organising but would, ideally under an anarchistic viewpoint, be bottom-up, voluntary and truly democratic.

There’s a lot of different types of anarchism and lots of different answers to how this would theoretically work. E.g. anarcho-syndicalism is focused on the idea of anarchist trade unions seizing control of production.

How to prevent people concentrating and amassing power under these sorts of systems is obviously a big problem and I don’t think there’s any good answer other than you need mass class consciousness and people motivated against allowing that.


nitori wrote (edited )

Anarchists don't really have the same goal as Marxists, since the "classless, stateless society" the latter wants will still have an "administration of things", which is really just a state in disguise (but Marx doesn't call it as such because he only saw the state merely as a tool for class oppression) as it is a bureaucracy. Just another form of government.

The Raddle wiki has a page that deals with this myth:


flabberghaster wrote

It's more about hierarchical social structures than like... coercing a boss to accept a union. Like you shouldn't have one person in your group who can kick you out or make you do things if you don't want to, or no one should be forced to work a job to make ends meet, through the coercive power of wage labor.

That's not the same as like, you and your co workers getting together and saying if the boss doesn't negotiate we'll go on strike / slash his tires / what have you. That is coercive, in a way, but it's not really the same thing.