Recent comments in /f/just_post
missingno wrote
wtf, spoilers
twovests wrote
Reply to what goofy things do you say to your cats? by cowloom
"Don't talk to your mother that way" is a classic
neku wrote
Reply to going to be honest with you kid, i dont give a shit what charlie is doing to your finger by I_got_killed_one_time
and in time, you'll find that you don't give much of a shit either, kid
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to NIPS and TITS were two big computer science conferences, and real people would argue "There is nothing sexist about those names," and then still expect to take you seriously as a person whose only job was thinking. by twovests
i wonder how many women said "there's nothing sexist about those names" lol
oneviolence wrote
I'd really prefer if you didnt, fucker
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
, fucker
cowloom wrote
Reply to I wanted to say Sam Altmann looks like Donnie Darko until I learned that Donnie Darko is played by Jake Gyllenhall. by flabberghaster
Tangentially related, but my favorite scene in that movie is when Donnie goes off on the phony self help guy
cowloom wrote
I made it home safely, fucker
flabberghaster wrote
dimes you out to the feds for violating the computer fraud and abuse act of 1984 for accessing my computing device without authorization or by circumventing access control mechanisms without the consent of the owner of such device
cute_spider wrote
My apologies for the delay, fucker
neku wrote
canadapleasure is such a good username tho
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
500poundsofnothing wrote
Reply to comment by oneviolence in Remember the Christian God cannot see below the earth so it doesn't count as murder if it's underground. by flabberghaster
Doesn't matter.
oolong wrote
Reply to hammers to your brain, algorithmic feeds, datura, and anime gacha games are all the same thing by twovests
leave my anime gacha games out of this!!!
twovests wrote
Reply to Weeee, are the posters, my friends... And weeeeee'lll keep on writing, on-line by flabberghaster
songs if they were good!
twovests OP wrote
Reply to hammers to your brain, algorithmic feeds, datura, and anime gacha games are all the same thing by twovests
"hey twovests, look at this meme i f-"
"no thanks, i don't want second-hand algorithmic feed"
this is how you can be if you are willing to alienate people in your life
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by oneviolence in Remember the Christian God cannot see below the earth so it doesn't count as murder if it's underground. by flabberghaster
You'll have to ask /u/500poundsofnothing about that one
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by oneviolence in Remember the Christian God cannot see below the earth so it doesn't count as murder if it's underground. by flabberghaster
They can see the act but only God can determine murder.
oneviolence wrote
Reply to Remember the Christian God cannot see below the earth so it doesn't count as murder if it's underground. by flabberghaster
What about non Christian Deities?
Jenheadjen wrote
its a good song
oolong wrote
as foretold by justus postus
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to by twovests
that link is deprecated. please use /f/just_warcrimes instead
nitori wrote
Reply to by twovests
I disagree
neku OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in me: "i'm free any time tomorrow!" them: "what time is best for you?" me: "we could do 10 am?" them: "no later that day would be better" me: "what time is better" them: "2 pm" 🫠 by neku
i mean i wasnt glued to whatsapp the entire time. but like, my understanding of the social contract around setting an appointment time is that saying "i'm free any time tomorrow" is yielding control of the appointment time to the other party. saying "what time is good for you?" is returning the ball back to me. ok. a little impolite to try and outpolite me imo. it's like saying "after you" when i'm already holding the door open for you. i offer a time and two hours later they say no let's do 2 pm. like just take my politeness! it's social lubricant! theyre de-lubricating my social encounter!
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to holy moly, the scene in that show where the dude kills the guy by emma
Oh man, buckle up, it gets so much more wild from there!