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OP wrote

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The kernel of the idea is that they're gonna take things down and not replace them, and they're gonna remove birthright but not bother to replace that, and for a week we'll all be like, "oh hey babies are getting born to generational American families but they're NOT CITIZENS" and then we'll get used to the concept.

But I guess that isn't a joke in the end.

So I added bugs.


OP wrote

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(This post was originally conceived as a joke but then I realized that's just Starship Troopers so I went ahead and added the bugs)



I don’t know where we go from here. Neither does anyone else.

I don’t want to come across as trite, and the author makes some good points overall. But what happens when you fail to prevent the rise of fascism is fascism. The only real uncertainties are in the details, e.g., who is the first to be ground into the dirt. Everyone’s familiar with the “what would you have done when the nazis were in power” question. Well I’m afraid that now we get to see how ourselves, our neighbors, and everyone else we’ve ever known answers that question. And thinking about a lot of the people I’ve known in my life, that prospect terrifies me.

So yes, let’s plan and prepare and steel ourselves for what is to come. Let’s have general strikes (like the author suggests) and more, and when those are violently oppressed let us have riots. Because its not that we don’t know what’s coming - we do, we just still don’t want to admit it.