voxpoplar OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Infinite, AI-generated Seinfeld by voxpoplar
damn AI really is realistic
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by lurq in name the worst sounding games. i'll start with "Mario's Cement Factory" by twovests
biohazard is generic
resident evil is nonsense but it's evocative nonsense
voxpoplar wrote
aaaaammmmmmm....Sonic's Cement Factory
voxpoplar OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Infinite, AI-generated Seinfeld by voxpoplar
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Why are we getting so much more spam of late? by flabberghaster
fuck offf
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to horrifying thought by devtesla
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in The W Pattern Forex Trading Guide For Beginner by allatraders
🫡 ⠀
voxpoplar wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in The W Pattern Forex Trading Guide For Beginner by allatraders
I didn't look at the submitter or link and I thought this was a bizarre joke until I saw your reply
voxpoplar wrote
the W pattern because I be winning
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to I still occasionally think of Holly's thread on the fempire "just post in space" by flabberghaster
I remember the "your anime daily dose" board and once someone replied to a post with "this is too much anime, this is malpractice!" and I thought that was funny but I don't remember who posted that or what the post they were responding to was
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to real-time 3D jpeg artifacts by twovests
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by emma in when i need to search through technical documentation, and i click the search bar and it says "Search by Algolia", that's when i know i will not find the answers i'm looking for by emma
It is a country in Africa.
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to when i need to search through technical documentation, and i click the search bar and it says "Search by Algolia", that's when i know i will not find the answers i'm looking for by emma
I read that as "Search by Angola" at first
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to The SpongeBoy Mop Doesn't Exist by Moonside
I still believe
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in lets burn down the earth by flabberghaster
voxpoplar OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in First Dates by voxpoplar
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to the place where julius caesar was stabbed to death is now a sanctuary for over 200 cats by neku
direct action
voxpoplar wrote (edited )
this is the bread I make most weeks:
- 350g wholemeal flour
- 50g plain flour (sieved)
- 50g oats
- 2 tsp bread soda
- 1 tsp salt
mix all into big bowl then add the wet ingredients:
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 500mL buttermilk (I actually usually use oat milk with lemon juice to acidify it these days)
- 1 tbsp sunflour oil
Mix it all and throw it in a lined baking tin and bake at 175°C (fan oven) for an hour. Then turn off the oven, take it out of the tin and put it back into the oven as it cools down to harden the base.
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to penguins dont get enough love by twovests
voxpoplar OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Transy update!!! by voxpoplar
I asked them and they said
oh! the desktop environment is i3-gaps; the status bar is polybar; the scanner app is simple-scan
voxpoplar wrote
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voxpoplar wrote
Reply to 𒐫Hey look at this unicode character I just found I think every post should just be this from now on!𒐫 by 500poundsofnothing
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to back in the newgrounds day i was a child. on the "submit game" page, i did not know what a "flash file" was, but i did dutifully fill in the name and the description. (describing an intricate rpg about raising yoshis.) couldnt submit the form because "flash file" was required. by twovests
we were robbed of the hyperrealistic yoshi breeding MMO