
twovests OP wrote

woah i missed this entire post two years ago!! Jstpst's deep technical knowledge is something I appreciate so I'm reading this now.

I really appreciate this deep-dive and I am sorry it took me literally 2.5 years to read it. I appreciate that you somehow could prognosticate what I did and did not already know (51%, halting problem, etc).

The big thing is that I honestly didn't know that ETH requires every EVM computation to be run on every node. That does seem wildly frustrating.

I can't imagine a use I'd have for Burner Machine, unless I was an especially cool journalist.

I have nothing to add but I really appreciate this post


twovests OP wrote

Coming back to this... Ada was actually pretty fantastic and I think of it regularly. It brought things way forward, it's a shame it was basically entirely unadopted outside of govt agencies and contractors lol


twovests OP wrote

I missed this, but I agree. The big benefit of the command line is the uniformity. Every interface is its own language, subject to change, laborious to speak, and unrecordable.

But the Linux command line can be stored and every solution recorded for future use. It kicks ass.

Sometime after this post, I broke my bootloader partition because I made it hilariously small. But my "things to do after installing Linux" script was pretty thorough so I just copied my home dir and reinstalled Linux lol

It took ~1h of copying and a bit of attention in between baking cookies, autumn of 2022 :)


twovests OP wrote (edited )


twovests wrote (edited )

Oops, I dropped a "plausibly" there; "but now plausibly seems to be literally the case".

"The assassination was a false flag" was always far-fetched, but still plausible, y'know? Trump tried to stay up for the photo-op right after the bullets hit. Is that because it was planned? He's a pretty renown liar.

"The Secret Service is incompetent" is the most likely explanation, because armed security is all theatre. But this is the same Secret Service which erased all their text messages from January 5th and January 6th 2021. I don't think _that's a coincidence, and I don't trust them either.

And now we see his ear and the claimed "2 cm hole" is nowhere to be found. His ear is just fine. Trump won't release medical paperwork. What gives?

Of all the conspiracy theories out there, this is the most plausible one. But "plausible" is a super generous term for something unlikely. I'd still place 99-to-1 odds that

  • The Secret Service was too racist and incompetent to identify the threat,

  • Trump was barely grazed by bullets from a real assassination attempt,

  • He was too stupid and photoshoot-horny to keep his head down when bullets were flying, and

  • Lied about the damage to garner support and foment anger.

... But there's still that 1% chance that new evidence will come out in a year or two, and we'll feel kind of dumb, and conspiracy theorists will rejoice about being right for once for the rest of our lives.

(*edit: i am dropping words left and right babey)