
twovests OP wrote (edited )

It's an old thing that's relevant in computer science theory and is popular among nerds.

The rules:

  • There's a grid of cells. Each cell can be either alive or dead.

  • Each cell has eight neighbours.

  • Any live cell with two or three live neighbours survives to the next generation. Else, it dies.

  • Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell.

Different combinations of cells do different cool things. A game of life is turing complete, meaning it can (theoretically) be used to do any algorithm "real" computers can do.

My addition doesn't mean anything much, it's just shitty fanfiction. :D


twovests wrote

I don't know a lot about music theory but the arbitrary precision integer arithmetic sounds interesting.

It might be that I don't understand enough about the music theory behind it, but why don't you trust ints? Is that distrust just for this application, or more general?


twovests wrote

Current project:

  • Conway's Game of Life with three different species. I was actually coming to this sub to post about this and complain about my mistakes lol. I'm doing it in Python and following ~TDD~, but I made the mistake of not considering diagonal neighbors, which, stupid of me?? I'll probably post more about it once I fix it up. I started it yesterday and meant to be finished today.

Games: I have a lot of game ideas that I want to write. I'm going to be using the Godot engine ( and am waiting for it to hit version 3.

  • Morph-ball game; a physics platformer where you use an assortment of bombs to maneuver.
  • Weird dimension fuckiness; a puzzle game based in 5 spatial dimensions and 2 time dimensions.
  • 2D-Time bullet hell; a bullet hell expanding on the 2D time concept


  • I want to learn Rust, so I'm going to create a Library-of-Babel sorta thing in it.
  • I want to create a circuit design educational language that the Game of Life thing is sort of practice for. It'll be turing complete and a bit like Minecraft
  • I've been meaning to look at the Postmill source code and learn about that too

School is starting soon though so I won't be making lot's of progress.


twovests wrote

Lemme rank my favorites:

  • Mei - Genji and D.Va can't block her freeze, I can't aim so she's easy to play, I can pull off all sorts of SICK MOVES with her wall and ice-block, and her name starts with M

  • Moira - DPS healer, I consistently get a lotta medals with her, no aiming skills needed, name is an anagram of Mario and starts with M

  • Mercy - Ez pz and effective healer to play as, good in lockout elimination because she can rez, her name starts with M

  • Torbjörn - Pure sex appeal