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eep wrote

oh this is really cool

we were designing buildings based on 3D cellular automata a few years back but could never get the coding right so we just flubbed most of it


twovests OP wrote

this sounds like it'd be a fun project, are you willing to share the details? :0


eep wrote

aaa it’s been ages but I’ll try! it was half fun and half frustrating mostly cause none of us had programming backgrounds. we had an instructor who taught programming, but he did not have a design background so it’s a bunch of misunderstandings lol

the basic idea was to ‘grow’ a city using cellular automata but also avoiding specific areas like historical buildings, places of culture (this didn’t work because our general lack of skills, which resulted to rigidity) there’s also the lack of connectivity (since cells in cellular automata ‘die’ and don’t physically connect while they are alive) so there was the introduction of other systems like lindenmeyer system to permit branching

the result was somewhat similar to the cards bouncing around and intertwining when you finish a game in solitaire


butthole69 wrote

what kind of class/program was this? that sounds super interesting!


eep wrote (edited )

soz for the super late response. It’s in architecture I think I got the studio’s course outline Also the portfolio of the whole thing if you are still interested