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twovests wrote

Current project:

  • Conway's Game of Life with three different species. I was actually coming to this sub to post about this and complain about my mistakes lol. I'm doing it in Python and following ~TDD~, but I made the mistake of not considering diagonal neighbors, which, stupid of me?? I'll probably post more about it once I fix it up. I started it yesterday and meant to be finished today.

Games: I have a lot of game ideas that I want to write. I'm going to be using the Godot engine ( and am waiting for it to hit version 3.

  • Morph-ball game; a physics platformer where you use an assortment of bombs to maneuver.
  • Weird dimension fuckiness; a puzzle game based in 5 spatial dimensions and 2 time dimensions.
  • 2D-Time bullet hell; a bullet hell expanding on the 2D time concept


  • I want to learn Rust, so I'm going to create a Library-of-Babel sorta thing in it.
  • I want to create a circuit design educational language that the Game of Life thing is sort of practice for. It'll be turing complete and a bit like Minecraft
  • I've been meaning to look at the Postmill source code and learn about that too

School is starting soon though so I won't be making lot's of progress.


Moonside OP wrote

I'm doing it in Python and following ~TDD~

Reimplement in Coq and automatically derive it from specification. Actually I've tried to learn proper testing habits in Haskell, but I think that I don't even have a specification atm so yeah haha.

Godot looks pretty good.

I've been meaning to look at the Postmill source code and learn about that too

Me too! I've been itching to Fix a thing or two there.


twovests wrote (edited )

Ooh I never heard of Coq, I'll definitely need to check that out eventually! Googled it a bit, it seems neat but it'll be too much for me to get into rn


Moonside OP wrote

I was mostly joking, but I'm halfway done with the 1st of these books. It's definitely laborious, but interesting. It seems like things are faraway from production and changing pretty fast in that space. Some others: Agda, Idris, ATS (this seems scary). The most impressive Coq project I've seen is this C compiler: .

Btw, juggling with proofs is very video game like though, I played with them too late into the night. That constant feedback! The triumph of writing Qed.