
twovests wrote

  1. i would not judge u

  2. even if i would judge u, my judgement should mean nothing. i wrote 2000 words agreeing on hating christmas

  3. i appreciate this!! most coffee snobs will decry instant and have no opinions on the various brands. and yet, i find myself with instant due to the circumstances of living with a baker, and on occasions i will drink it. "swift" sells specialty instant coffee at three dollars a cup and it's not even that good. i've enjoyed starbucks instant coffee but i don't want to support starbucks even before the whole "firing employees for unionizing and/or protesting israel". the nescafe instant gold looks like it makes a cup for $0.25 which is way more my speed.

thank u for sharing

thank u for posting


twovests wrote (edited )

you've gotta find other autistic people. as you know, i can relate to this big big big time

i'm proud of you for putting yourself into social situations, trying, and learning. it's hard and it sucks but it's worth it.

i've gotten comfortable with just being 'slow' about things, and apologizing at a later time if i've accidentally said something that made someone evidently hurt or uncomfortable.

i hope u can find other Autistics^TM who have a mutual yearning for connection and a mutual patience for friction


twovests OP wrote

another funny seinfeld moment was when i was listening to a radio story about a similarity between a recent event and a seinfeld episode. with the car AC and fan on high, i had the radio up as well.

the radio show ended with an extended "seinfeld" theme song that played as i rolled into the driveway, turning off my car (and so AC and fans)

as i pulled in, the seinfeld theme blaring, my housemate exited the house and looked at my quizically.

from his perspective, the seinfeld theme song was my "driving around" music


twovests OP wrote

normally i'm not on the angry gamer wave but modern runescape has very few of the qualities that made the original attractive

they released "old school runescape" and it's outperformed modern runescape ("evolution of combat") for 9 years now. it's about 5x more popular

but it's quite a grindy game so either way they're condemned


twovests wrote

i would like to know more. is vegan bacon good now?

(i ask this earnestly-- i don't think bacon is particularly good, but this seems like a difficult thing to imitate, especially without egg and gelatin)


twovests wrote

i think it will be very funny if he's remembered as an auteur who eschewed capital for an uncompromising execution of his artistic vision


twovests wrote (edited )

you would be amazed by the music i do not know. you probably could not list music i know

EDIT: i am being sincere, i don't know most popular songs. you are not old, i am simply uncultured, and most of the things i listen to are made by people i personally know. i know only a scant few popular songs, like "the ABCs", "rudolph the red nosed reindeer", and "hey there delilah what is it like in new york city". but that's about it