toasthaste wrote
Reply to in your opinion, what is the best anime ever made and why is it legend of the galactic heroes (1988-1997) by hollyhoppet
I've vaguely felt like I should watch that show for years now, idk if I'll ever actually get to it though
I'm currently having a lot of feelings about March Comes In Like a Lion and I highly recommend it to everybody. It is so sweet and also so sad and it makes me feel warm like no show has ever done before.
toasthaste wrote
I have reread this article every time I've seen it posted and it's so good every time. It's so good.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by emma in juicero by hollyhoppet
wowowow I never saw this
toasthaste wrote
Reply to love this animation style by mm_
holy shit this is gorgeous
3d animation is really finally coming into its own, imo. doing more interesting things with stylization
toasthaste wrote
toasthaste wrote
I'm honestly just thrilled to see tf2 in the news again, I miss that game
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by musou in A account is required to play this title. Please connect to the internet to continue. by devtesla
it is honestly so fuckin wild to watch like?? why???? literally one single year ago they were seen as a beloved game company with a great track record and they just. threw it away??
toasthaste wrote
unfortunately this part of the filing caps out at $30 mil which is a drop in the bucket for them, but that's no reason to not at least make sure they pay every penny of that $30 mil
toasthaste wrote
no idea if it's normal or not but I am often also in the same boat where I do things for people out of a pure sense of obligation, of detached "I want to be the kind of person who would do this kind thing," with no real feelings associated with it.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to The weird magic of eiderdown by voxpoplar
i stayed up too late reading this, thank u for posting
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I'm going to a magic the gathering prerelease for the first time ever today! by toasthaste
yeah it was real fuckin fun I would definitely go again
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by Presidential_Afro in I'm going to a magic the gathering prerelease for the first time ever today! by toasthaste
the packs were on your side and guided me unerringly to Blue
toasthaste OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by Fangren in I'm going to a magic the gathering prerelease for the first time ever today! by toasthaste
I won 3 packs and won most of my games! I've never gone to a prerelease(or any sanctioned event) before EVER so I would have been perfectly content losing as long as it was fun matches! But I got to WIN and ALSO have fun matches! Everyone was super friendly but not like, weird about it?
Also I'd never been to that game store before but it was SUPER nice, my friends swear by it and now I see why. It had this HUGE back room for games with tons of people in it playing various things. There was something going on with some miniatures games over on one side, several mtg pods going semi-simultaneously, and then a handful of people just hanging out. overall like probably 50 people in a room with space for like... 200 at LEAST. Just a really great time, I felt welcomed, was kinda thriving in the group environment(turns out I'm more of an extrovert than my anxiety has led me to believe) and am definitely gonna plan to go back for every prerelease for the foreseeable future.
---------mtg cards talk past this point--------
I wound up with a blue/white flying-ish deck with and (which I drew in NEARLY EVERY GAME HOO BOY THAT FELT GOOD). Also splashed black for but I don't think I ever actually got to cast it (or even drew it? I forget). The deck came together really well thankfully, my red and green were both weak as hell so I didn't even have to really waste time considering them (which is good cause I've never had to build a deck on a time limit before, I finished with like one whole minute to spare D:)
I went uhhhh 5 and 2, I guess? I forget how the terminology works. won 2-0 against my first two opponents, then went 1-2 in my last match against this guy with the most ABSURD DECK I HAVE EVER SEEN (HE HAD 2 FOR ONE FUCKIN THING). He was a super good sport though (everyone was) and I mostly just had fun hamming up how outrageous his deck was. And I was responsible for the single game loss he experienced for the entire event so I take SOME pride in that :P
toasthaste wrote (edited )
Reply to My pet peeve about the state of online media by Moonside
I saw a good post a bit ago along the lines of, "with the internet we have to deal with the risk that anything, once posted, might be there forever, but we can never RELY on it." it's kind of the worst of both worlds. no guarantee of ephemerality, no guarantee of permanence, and we have no real control over which one it turns out to be
toasthaste wrote
I've lived in a few houses where the oven light didn't work :0 I think of it as an exception when they DO work, actually!
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Short good PC games? by twovests
SUPERHOT, Grow Home, and Mark of the Ninja! I'm sorry apparently I never play AAA games ever, or short games either, this is all I got.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to the "write a fantasy anime without making it isekai (parallel world) challenge" by hollyhoppet
impossible. it cant be done. how can we possibly introduce a viewer to our fantasy world without also hamfistedly introducing it to a character who's also new to it. no one has ever done this.
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in whom trying out Apex Legends by toasthaste
i cannot promise i will still be playing this game a week from now cause battle royales don't have matchmaking and get increasingly hostile to newcomers as time goes on and im bad at the game already but WE SHALL SEE
toasthaste wrote
Reply to what if there were second person shooters by hollyhoppet
what would this look like
maybe like, a game where one person controls the character and another person controls the camera, but they're totally separate (so not like in games usually where the camera is centered on the character).
toasthaste wrote
Reply to what if there were second person shooters by hollyhoppet
it's me im the second person
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in whom trying out Apex Legends by toasthaste
if u do decide to play then friend me on origin im toasthaste as i am everywhere
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by musou in whom trying out Apex Legends by toasthaste
first person, I don't think it has building mechanics at all, but I'm seeing a focus on mobility so far. you can slide down slopes and climb walls n stuff!
toasthaste wrote
Reply to the year of the hurd desktop by hollyhoppet
i clicked the title like 5 times thinking it was a link to an article and boy are my arms tired
toasthaste wrote
as soon as i saw the description for the show's premise i was 100% on board, what a ridiculous and fun setup
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in DWIF doob wafuke it's friday by hollyhoppet
what do the other letters stand for