toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in overly annoyed at people posting watsonian responses to my doylist observations by voxpoplar
oh hell i might actually be able to remember it now, ty :O how have i heard this terminology so much and not heard or realized the origin. i thought doyle and watson were just, like, some Dudes With Opinions
toasthaste wrote
on the plus side, when/if bitcoin crashes, there's gonna be TONS of cheap, high-quality(if heavily used) secondhand cards flooding the market
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Can we have a feature that autobans anyone who downvotes my posts on this site by flabberghaster
toasthaste wrote
Reply to overly annoyed at people posting watsonian responses to my doylist observations by voxpoplar
I have to google every time cause I can never remember which one is doylist and which is watsonian. why cannot we just say ""in-universe" and "meta". pls help me
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by musou in theme song for website by devtesla
do it you'll go mad with power
toasthaste wrote
im trying to remember who made this, was it andreaplanbee?
toasthaste wrote
toasthaste wrote
Reply to theme song for website by devtesla
how could u forget 'just post is the greatest place, the greatest place to pooost'
'just post is the greatest place, the greatest place to post'
toasthaste wrote
Reply to can other people psot digimon? by voxpoplar
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Where to request features/enhancements!!! by hollyhoppet
oh shiiiiiiiiiiiit
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Let's have a Controversial Opinions thread (yes, for real) by Moonside
every car needs to just be single-occupant but then with modular bits you can add on to hold more people. someone pay me for my good ideas.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Let's have a Controversial Opinions thread (yes, for real) by Moonside
I guess I've been one of those people a lot and to be fair I think seasons 3 and 4 are starting to really turn the tides on that opinion o' mine. That one Pidge episode (you know the one) showed me that the show is capable of great things-- I just wish they would try for them more often, y'know? Gimme that emotional catharsis! (to a lesser extent I think the Keith scene at the end of season 4 was another grab at this, so I'm really extra looking forward to season 5)
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by neku in Let's have a Controversial Opinions thread (yes, for real) by Moonside
I agree about the badsmell. I really want to adopt a dog someday but I have no idea how I'm gonna deal with always having Dogsmell on my hands.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by missingno in Where to request features/enhancements!!! by hollyhoppet
#2 here I would really really like to have
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Where to request features/enhancements!!! by hollyhoppet
Ability to delete individual messages from ya inbox!!
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to Draw some digimon! Today's the day! (or, well, any day in the next week I guess?? idk this isn't super tightly planned) by toasthaste
Those little blob digis make for good warmups :>
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by musou in is it too early for feature requests? by toasthaste
omg u r so sweet <3
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by cat in is it too early for feature requests? by toasthaste
Oh snap I should try this
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in is it too early for feature requests? by toasthaste
I guess I'd also like the ability to sort comments by new, but the inbox thing affects me a lot more
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by musou in is it too early for feature requests? by toasthaste
Just responded above for u too <3
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in is it too early for feature requests? by toasthaste
Basically I just wanna be able to clear things from my inbox one at a time! Sometimes I want to respond or look into something but not right now, but then it gets buried because I'm addicted to posting
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Let's have a Controversial Opinions thread (yes, for real) by Moonside
Search your feelings ... You know it to be true....... Pizza just isn't very good
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in Re: toasthaste by cute_spider_ni_srsly
the thing is though, getting the pill into her mouth isn't that hard; she will literally never scratch or bite me, ever ever ever ( ilove her so so so much ;_;) but she seems to have gotten better at spitting the pill back out/keeping it from going down her throat
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in Re: toasthaste by cute_spider_ni_srsly
hm, I did just start clicker training her, maybe I can figure out how to apply it to pilling
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in (personal) last sunday, i cried for the first time in years by twovests for u