
toasthaste wrote

how could u forget 'just post is the greatest place, the greatest place to pooost'

'just post is the greatest place, the greatest place to post'


toasthaste wrote

I guess I've been one of those people a lot and to be fair I think seasons 3 and 4 are starting to really turn the tides on that opinion o' mine. That one Pidge episode (you know the one) showed me that the show is capable of great things-- I just wish they would try for them more often, y'know? Gimme that emotional catharsis! (to a lesser extent I think the Keith scene at the end of season 4 was another grab at this, so I'm really extra looking forward to season 5)


toasthaste wrote

Reply to comment by Moonside in Re: toasthaste by cute_spider_ni_srsly

the thing is though, getting the pill into her mouth isn't that hard; she will literally never scratch or bite me, ever ever ever ( ilove her so so so much ;_;) but she seems to have gotten better at spitting the pill back out/keeping it from going down her throat