Submitted by Moonside in ask

Like not actually terrible opinions, because, sheesh, this isn't AskReddit.

Mine is:

  • Spoilers are a total non-issue and actually knowing what's coming can make things more satisfying. (I do, of course, show courtesy to other people who think spoilers are a big deal.)


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hollyhoppet wrote

it's important to be kind to people, even on the internet


cat wrote

how about NAZIS


hollyhoppet wrote

if they were kind to people they wouldn't be nazis


cat wrote



musou wrote

i don't think you have to be nice to capitalists either but it's safe to assume that most of the "capitalists" you meet on the internet have virtually no capital


cat wrote

these are all good SUGGESTIONS


Presidential_Afro wrote

the snes had better music most of the time because people didnt know how to use the genesis sound

left twitter is way to obnoxious also see black twitter and gay twitter maybe twitter just bring out the worst in people idk

when someone makes a joke about something being white/straight i instantly dont like them


Moonside OP wrote

left twitter is way to obnoxious also see black twitter and gay twitter maybe twitter just bring out the worst in people idk

I think that it might truly be Twitter.


devtesla wrote

when someone makes a joke about something being white/straight i instantly dont like them

Good opinion. The only people hurt by these jokes aren't the intended target.


Moonside OP wrote

I think it's pretty apparent given that some of the most enthusiastic about those jokes are white and/or straight themselves. I feel like it can function as a form of deflection.


musou wrote

genesis had some great tunes imo, esp. the sonic games and Junction, but if you're saying that the average music quality on SNES is higher than on genesis then i agree


voxpoplar wrote

Also Streets of Rage. Also didn't lots of higher end SNES games just use an extra music chip on the cartridge anyway?


Moonside OP wrote

This list of SNES extra chips on Wikipedia makes no mention of any sound chips on cartridges, but apparently some Famicom cartidges had ones.

I had a Sega Megadrive growing up, but I think the stock SNES sound chip was better than what the Sega had. I have a vague memory too that some SNES games had a sound chip on their cartridges, but the purpose of which was to enable the abuse of the original sound chip for non-audio processing.

I think in the end it might be that the Sega soundchip was more limited that what SNES had and thus the good songs had to be more carefully written and arranged to fit the limitations. I think one reason why Sonic 1 OST is so good it was made by a bassist as I think it's the bass that is most lacking on Sega games. But bassists tend to be quite sensitive to tone so I'm sure that helped.

Example: compare the hospital theme of EarthBound to the Star Light Zone theme, which seems to be Genesis chip bass at its most mellow and even then the bass line consists of pretty detached notes, I think in order to work around limitations. It works here because the music demands it, but I think SNES is the general winner here as it could support a bass and drum propelled track like the above.


musou wrote

all my friends dig it, but i really intensely dislike astrology. i think systems of classifying personalities (however pseudoscientific) can be very useful, but only if you let people self-identify.


missingno wrote

modern tetris somehow found a way to ruin a game too simple to ruin


neku wrote

Are you for or against being able to hold pieces in Tetris


missingno wrote

I actually think hold and no hold are both interesting games in their own right. Hold makes basic survival easier at first, but that's why TGM3 uses it as an excuse to crank the speed up even faster and expect the player to utilize this privilege well in order to keep up. But TGM1/2 forces you to keep your stack neater and ready for anything, whatever pieces you get you have to be able to deal with them.

If I was in charge of making the perfect Tetris implementation, they'd both be present as two separate game modes with separate leaderboards.


neku wrote

i dont care for dogs that much


devtesla wrote



neku wrote

i respect dogs for what they do but i personally do not enjoy their company. big dogs are kind of scary too. and they smell bad???


toasthaste wrote

I agree about the badsmell. I really want to adopt a dog someday but I have no idea how I'm gonna deal with always having Dogsmell on my hands.


butthole69 wrote

now THATS what I'm talkin about


neku wrote

if someone asks me for my controversial opinion im not fucking around. ill bring out the big guns.

that said not liking dogs is probably my most controversial opinion especially for this forum lol


noordinaryspider wrote

Me either and it has to do with childhood trauma/abuse.

I don't go around kicking puppies or anything and I like the CONCEPT of dogs, I just don't ever want to be responsible for one or in a situation where I can't just leave and avoid them.


devtesla wrote

Good opinion on spoilers.

Here's mine:

  • I won't defend any corporation. However, I do think some of them make products that are worthwhile as a product of labor. For example: I think iPhones are really good.

noordinaryspider wrote

I greatly dislike iPhones and had to throw mine away, but I do understand how loyal iFolks can be. I won't push my own opinions about software on to you now that I know. You can always ask if you're curious and I am always receptive to new information.


toasthaste wrote

I don't think people should necessarily have to be [member of X group] before they're allowed to have opinions on [things relating to X group] cause all that means is that you're excluding 1. Members of [X group] who value their privacy, or are closeted, or want to avoid torrents of group-membership-based internet hate should they be public about it and 2. People not in [X group] who are decent enough people to listen when others tell them to stay in their lane.

You are, importantly, NOT excluding people who are shitty enough to just lie and say "yeah I'm a member of [X group]," and in fact making their voices proportionally louder.


toasthaste wrote

Also I think pizza is possibly the most overrated food. I don't like it very much!


Dogmantra wrote

ok it turns out we are not the same person after all


toasthaste wrote

Search your feelings ... You know it to be true....... Pizza just isn't very good


Dogmantra wrote

I am going to order a pizza right now because I am sad


Dogmantra wrote

the prevailing consensus on voltron legendary defender seems to be that it's really enjoyable if you bring a lot to the table and I do not much care for that opinion, I like it because I genuinely think it's good on its own merits and do not need to bring my own jam to the toast cafe as it were


Moonside OP wrote

I'm not really getting what you mean


Dogmantra wrote

sorry I am trying to write an explanation and not doing very well. i am an incoherent ibex today


toasthaste wrote

I guess I've been one of those people a lot and to be fair I think seasons 3 and 4 are starting to really turn the tides on that opinion o' mine. That one Pidge episode (you know the one) showed me that the show is capable of great things-- I just wish they would try for them more often, y'know? Gimme that emotional catharsis! (to a lesser extent I think the Keith scene at the end of season 4 was another grab at this, so I'm really extra looking forward to season 5)


butthole69 wrote

smart cars bad


cat wrote

i agREE: elon shouldnt be getting all that money !!! private transport sucks !!! we need to socialise all transport and have really cool trains and trams and bikes and for our needs and then plant trees and make rivers on all the useless roads.


flabberghaster wrote

do you mean those little tiny cars that are just two seats and two doors and not much else, like the smart fortwo and whatnot?

i wanted to get one of those for a long time but i'm kinda glad i didn't


butthole69 wrote

nah I don't really know what to think of those. I was talking about self-driving cars--imo they only limit freedom of movement while filling the same niche as public transport but with greater pollution and energy use.


flabberghaster wrote

Ah yeah. Private automobiles make no sense just from a physics perspective... At least cars anyway.

Just to move a human, who weigh a few hundred pounds at most, we have to drag around a ton and a half of metal? Weems like a waste. We should be moving away from that model for that amd a bunch of other reasons that im sure most people are aware of here


toasthaste wrote

every car needs to just be single-occupant but then with modular bits you can add on to hold more people. someone pay me for my good ideas.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


Moonside OP wrote

I was thinking "how come take so spicy landedin my mailbox" but then, oh it was this thread. What's so self-defeating about it, btw?


noordinaryspider wrote

Controversial Opinion #2: I'm not the slightest bit interested in "generation wars" and enjoy having friends of different ages.