oneviolence wrote
Reply to there is still crime by voxpoplar
oneviolence wrote
Reply to i'm an atheist, i'm a feminist, i support BLM and BDS, i write rust and use linux btw by twovests
Liked, Reblogged, Retweeted, Forwarded, Shared, and Subchived :)
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in When will The Post be posted? by oneviolence
It all good, i didnt mention 7PM on what day, so as long as it gets there we'll be fine
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in MFW imma JORK IT by oneviolence
How dare you expose my Secrets.
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in When will The Post be posted? by oneviolence
I want that Post on my Desk at 7PM SHARP!
I dont care what time zone though.
oneviolence wrote
Reply to "Jack me off when September ends", or, how I went three weeks without masturbating and accidentally ran into what Osama Bin Laden called an "extreme case" by twovests
Incredible. Brave. Outstanding.
Thank you for this Post.
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in When will The Post be posted? by oneviolence
oneviolence wrote
Reply to i want to hug by alianka
You will receive one.
oneviolence wrote
Reply to i'm posting by hollyhoppet
Incredible. Wonderful. Outstanding.
oneviolence wrote
Is this Bi-Bike Gang somehow related to the Down-With-The-Cis Bus?
oneviolence wrote
Was it where he used the Object to kill him? I remember that scene, it was good stuff!
oneviolence wrote
Reply to what goofy things do you say to your cats? by cowloom
I call my cat "min lille baldrebuks" and "min lille skvaldergøj"
oneviolence wrote
I'd really prefer if you didnt, fucker
oneviolence wrote
Reply to Remember the Christian God cannot see below the earth so it doesn't count as murder if it's underground. by flabberghaster
What about non Christian Deities?
oneviolence wrote
Very good!
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Yallready know..... Chickin Sausageroll......... by oneviolence
You will regret this statement.
You will experience the despair of regret burning with such passion youve not thought possible.
oneviolence wrote
I demand (by threat of violence to your physical form) that you give me one.
oneviolence wrote
Reply to sorry about the post by hollyhoppet
posting is NOT a crime!!
oneviolence wrote
Reply to Neku loves citing sources by twovests
I believe you.
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in Youre gonna do a Man Thing! by oneviolence
Wait, no dont! Now i feel bad!
oneviolence wrote
incredible. You will now never be alone again.
oneviolence wrote
Reply to Worldbuilding: A world covered in ancient beings called "trees" which extract energy from the skies above and earth below, concentrating the energy into colorful living objects called "fruits"? You could squeeze these beings for their liquid essence. And, for a nominal fee and monthly subscription, by twovests
oneviolence wrote
oneviolence wrote
Reply to imm gay by Jenheadjen
Incredible. Wonderful. Outstanding.
oneviolence wrote
Reply to gust_post by flabberghaster
..... Must've been the wind.....