
neku wrote

Reply to unposted posts by twovests

*paul rudd in the tim and eric celery man skit voice* computer, give me "christmas is fascist"

also interested in "everyone is plural", "bad intersection", and "suicide subforum idea"


neku wrote

Reply to by twovests

it came to a head



neku wrote

well, it's the democratic guiding ethos: "For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin." the same strategy that guided them to victory in 2016


neku OP wrote

its so cool how much hes trying to be like "ohh... you're playing checkers while i'm playing 5d chess, 400 moves ahead" when hes unreservedly posting shit that wp engine lawyers will use in court to score another couple million off him. i simply can't comprehend it (other than remembering that silicon valley executive types have all pickled their brains with ketamine)