
hollyhoppet wrote

how much red tape it is depends on what state you're in (except for passport since that's federal), but all of these documents are replacable. your birth state probably has a page on how to get a new copy of your birth cert, and the court that did your name change still has that in their records and will send you one for a fee if you call them i believe. either that or that's another thing the state keeps a record of. honestly that also depends on the state lol

EITHER WAY there are avenues to get all of these. like peoples' houses burn down documents are lost all the time


hollyhoppet wrote

actually that can do a lot of good, don't sell yourself short. and yeah as dt said you really can't be responsible for suffering in the world. just do what you can when you can.

also sincey you're a computer toucher, if you have extra income consider giving it to mutual aid, either locally or people you see online having trouble paying rent or bills. this is a very actionable and tangible way to help people that really does make a difference. and if you're already doing that, you're making a difference!!