hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in How do I add another person as a mod on a subjstpst? by flabberghaster
which forum, specifically?
hollyhoppet wrote
under "Toolbox" on the right-hand side of the sub
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to WIZARD BEER by devtesla
thank you worthikids
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in which dark souls game is the dark souls of dark souls? by hollyhoppet
how dare you
hollyhoppet wrote
how much red tape it is depends on what state you're in (except for passport since that's federal), but all of these documents are replacable. your birth state probably has a page on how to get a new copy of your birth cert, and the court that did your name change still has that in their records and will send you one for a fee if you call them i believe. either that or that's another thing the state keeps a record of. honestly that also depends on the state lol
EITHER WAY there are avenues to get all of these. like peoples' houses burn down documents are lost all the time
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to thinking about joe biden again (cw: bad) by twovests
i think this post might be some of your finest work tbh. art expo worthy
hollyhoppet admin wrote
Reply to the www.jstpst.net moderation team by emma
that's right
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Comment to find out what kind of radish I'd pelt *you* with. by flabberghaster
oh noooooo
hollyhoppet wrote
i hope it’s one that’s good for tacos
hollyhoppet admin wrote
i'm terrible at web stuff and barely managed to figure out how to get this site running in the first place lol. "www" is the least of my maintenance worries :P
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in netflix on pluto is very bad by hollyhoppet
thank u
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Tenga review by twovests
i should have expected this lol
hollyhoppet wrote
even if it’s a hosted blog still kind of surprised to see this as an “editor’s pick” on forbes tbh but i suppose i can’t complain lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Daily Nitori #164: Catpanion by nitori
i figured it out lol i was just using the wrong nitter url for the past six months :P
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in Tenga review by twovests
going to art school so my master's thesis can be a defense of how tengas are avant-garde
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in sorry twovests popos doesn’t work on my machine by hollyhoppet
it took me more than ten years but i think im finally over the time in the late 00s when their tagline was “from freedom came elegance”
hollyhoppet wrote
actually that can do a lot of good, don't sell yourself short. and yeah as dt said you really can't be responsible for suffering in the world. just do what you can when you can.
also sincey you're a computer toucher, if you have extra income consider giving it to mutual aid, either locally or people you see online having trouble paying rent or bills. this is a very actionable and tangible way to help people that really does make a difference. and if you're already doing that, you're making a difference!!
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Daily Nitori #164: Catpanion by nitori
huh... did they fix nitter?
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in sorry twovests popos doesn’t work on my machine by hollyhoppet
this is also true
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in finally, a coffee creamer that can give you silicosis by twovests
for some reason i don't consider milk or half-and-half or cream to be "creamer," just "cream." like the "er" means it's the fake stuff
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in finally, a coffee creamer that can give you silicosis by twovests
this is one of the reasons coffee creamers wig me out lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to every time i use firefox, it becomes unfixably broken through no fault of my own. as a webdev, this means i have a choice to (1) don't use firefox or (2) don't develop for firefox. this is my curse by twovests
yeesh i feel like you constantly have bad luck with computer stuff breaking on you lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in https://rotatingsandwiches.com/ by neku
i lived in denmark for a time so open sandwiches are normalized to me :P
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to https://rotatingsandwiches.com/ by neku
incredibly courageous of them to put a hot dog in there
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in How do I add another person as a mod on a subjstpst? by flabberghaster
bizarre. maybe it's because this is an old version of postmill or something. i can look into it more tomorrow.