
flabberghaster OP wrote

Me too, I'm excited for the rainy season to start so we start getting a lot more moisture and fog.

This morning the valley I live in had some low lying clouds and this was at the top of a very small hill so that's cloud layer. They burned off as the day went on but I'm always so happy when I manage to leave early enough to start in the morning fog


flabberghaster wrote

I think not everything needs to be HTTPS; like I don't care if the NSA knows I'm reading web comics generally speaking. But the push for everything to be https is kind of more about the non technical users, who don't understand what should and shouldn't be.

You want them to be mistrustful of a non HTTPS site that asks them for payment or login information, because it's marginally harder to set up a phishing site with a valid cert (or it was...) Than it is to just make it straight HTTP so the browser doesn't say "yo dude this site's cert is a little fishy".

That and there were cases of people getting their login credentials stolen at the coffee shops because bad webmasters were not securing things they needed, and now most browsers won't even let that happen. So I think it is marginally better.


flabberghaster wrote

Jstpst is not the off brand anything. We are more like the Trappist monks making small batch artisanal product that doesn't even compare to the swill they pump out at reddit.

We are like the cheese makers with thousand year old cultures that are not found anywhere else on earth, compared to the industrial grade chemical refineries that produce the supermarket processed cheddar that is reddit.
