
flabberghaster wrote

My problems with biden have never been that he's old. I don't care if he's "an old white man." All things being equal I'd prefer to have more diversity but as long as he was doing good things I wouldn't care. Barney Saunders is an old white man too but people loved him -- the old thing isn't the problem.

Even his senility isn't a problem for me really. It's a big machine, he's not really making day to day decisions. As long as he has good advisors and he follows them, I don't care if he's in a coma 90% of the time.

The problem with biden is he's a right wing asshole who hates the left and everything we stand for and loves genocide and is racist and loves cops.


flabberghaster wrote

I just play until I get bored or frustrated and then turn it off until I want to again. Sometimes that means I'm cycling back and forth between game and something else every 20 minutes, sometimes it means I have something on my computer installed but never run for six months