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flabberghaster wrote

My problems with biden have never been that he's old. I don't care if he's "an old white man." All things being equal I'd prefer to have more diversity but as long as he was doing good things I wouldn't care. Barney Saunders is an old white man too but people loved him -- the old thing isn't the problem.

Even his senility isn't a problem for me really. It's a big machine, he's not really making day to day decisions. As long as he has good advisors and he follows them, I don't care if he's in a coma 90% of the time.

The problem with biden is he's a right wing asshole who hates the left and everything we stand for and loves genocide and is racist and loves cops.


I_got_killed_one_time wrote

For sure, i think that actual politics are way more important than what demographics a candidate falls into, but any person who wants a chance at being nominated for the democrat presidential spot is going to have to protect american interests, which means protecting its foothold in the middle east, which means supporting as much genocide as that foothold wants. So the least the party could do is let the citizens of the empire have a leader who lets them feel a little respectable.

It would be awe some if every democrat got turned into protein bars


twovests OP wrote

oh yeah, this is how i feel precisely. i am still really looking at lina khan with optimism, who's work is far more important to me than biden's stuff, and i feel like the genocide thing overwhelms all of that