
flabberghaster OP wrote (edited )

This is the question I had! Nice! Thank you!

I always thought a laser was special just because all the photons were in the same orientation and so they didn't cause interference from one another, so it appeared more intense and stayed in a tight beam. I did not know you could also in theory use them to create different wavelengths.


flabberghaster OP wrote

There is no single frequency of light that will stimulate the different types of cones in the correct levels for you to perceive magenta, that only occurs if there is a mix of frequencies hitting your eyes that stimulate the blue and red cones a lot without stimulating the green cones, and as the green cone range lies somewhere in between the red and blue cone range that can't happen with a single frequency.

That I know. It's more a question of why we can't create light at arbitrary wavelengths, not why we can't create any given color using only a single wavelength.


flabberghaster OP wrote

No they use three different color lights and mix them at different intensities and it looks to our eye like that color. What I mean is why can't we create arbitrary, single frequency colored lights when we can do that with radio waves? Is it just because we don't know how to do it in that range?


flabberghaster wrote

The first one kinda sucks. They don't have any skill curve and the fights are all the same. If they want to make a level harder they just add more guards and say you have to still not get spotted once, but all the mechanics stay the same.

In some of the later ones, they have more weapons and you can have massive fights and steal guards' weapons, they're more engaging I thought.


flabberghaster wrote

I think the way he's messing with verification has a good chance of tanking the place. Either he's going to walk it back or a lot of high profile people who twitter users care about but who don't depend on twitter for their jobs will just leave. This was already happening but it will get much worse.

The ad revenue dropping as companies quit buying ads will be a slower thing. I think they'll probably come back if there stops being so much bad press about it, but they may not, twitter is not that good at converting views to sales. With the billion dollar a year debts, I don't know how they're going to get ahead of it.

And with the chaotic layoffs (layoffs were probably already coming but there was no planning at all) I wouldn't be surprised if there were a high profile hack or prolonged outages as all the security and SRE teams were gutted without much planning.

I think the site will keep going for a long time but it will get substantially shittier very quickly and begin a long-term decline.


flabberghaster wrote

Type hints are mostly used for static analysis tools, and for that it works but it is very annoying to put them just to satisfy your presubmit checks. Especially with the IMO kind of clumsy syntax. But they work well. And they do prevent very annoying bugs.