
flabberghaster wrote

No no didn't think so at all sorry. I just was commenting on how as soon as something becomes big enough that most people know about it, it gets sucked in to the culture war and it's exhausting. Right now conservatives think she's a psy op by the woke CIA to get biden reelected or something and I'm just like... God damn. Can we not?

I think the last song by her that I heard was that shake it off song from about 2013 which I enjoyed but I don't really follow her.


flabberghaster wrote

Reply to i deleted duolingo by emma

I hopped on Duolingo for a way to brush up on Spanish but all the questions are easy. I'm told i can just keep skipping ahead beyond where it puts you automatically, but I took their level assessment quiz to place me and I got no questions wrong at all.

I think they might be good for "I know three sentences of XYZ language or less, and want to be able to read a newspaper article" or something, but I don't know how much the format can help someone whose level is at "I can pretty much hold a conversation with a native speaker, if they're patient and understanding."