flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in Thinking about going to the park today by 500poundsofnothing
flabberghaster wrote
I missed when you posted this. Is it too late for a pine cone?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to back in the newgrounds day i was a child. on the "submit game" page, i did not know what a "flash file" was, but i did dutifully fill in the name and the description. (describing an intricate rpg about raising yoshis.) couldnt submit the form because "flash file" was required. by twovests
Yeah I wanna play your PnP RPG about yoshis
flabberghaster wrote
I feel like as the rate of spam increases it will regrettably become the only sustainable option.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I am looking Linux distro recommendation for someone who has only used Ubuntu and wants something that will mostly "just work" out of the box by voxpoplar
I think I started using it around 2012 ish because I was tired of reinstalling Fedora every six months for a new release.
I would say it takes me between a half hour to an hour to install, assuming I have a second computer to look at the install guide, but I've done it a few times and could probably just do it without if I had to. Might take slightly longer if you've never done it, or it might be way faster, if you just used the arch install script they have now, I have not tried doing that.
As for day to day use, mostly you just sudo pacman install
something and it usually just works. You choose what to install so you choose what to run. Then maintenance wise you just pacman update and that's usually all you need.
It used to be more unstable and things needed tinkering after an update but that's not really been a problem for me in a few years. Mostly it's just a Linux install that feels like any other, to me.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in Why are we getting so much more spam of late? by flabberghaster
I can't help but read this to the tune of ice cream paint job
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Why are we getting so much more spam of late? by flabberghaster
Oh, I knew about how page rank works but I didn't know you could disable it without just doing a blanket nofollow
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to I am looking Linux distro recommendation for someone who has only used Ubuntu and wants something that will mostly "just work" out of the box by voxpoplar
People say "I use arch BTW" as a joke bragging about being a Linux expert but I have found it pretty easy to use. Idk your level of wanting to fuck around with installing it, it's not that hard to do if you have a little bit of experience and they even have the arch install script now (which I have not used, so I can't say how good it is) but once it is installed I have had very few problems with it ever breaking that were not directly my fault.
I run an encrypted root right now, it was pretty trivial to set up. The disk has two partitions, 500 megabytes for boot (which is way more than necessary) and the rest is a big LUKS volume atop which I have an LVM to split it into home and root volumes. You could also just run it directly off the Luke partition with no LVM, if you don't care about doing a separate home partition.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Why are we getting so much more spam of late? by flabberghaster
If I google Flabberghaster, below all the links to some band by that name, I do find my own jstpst profile.
flabberghaster OP wrote
We need to hire an SEO expert to get google to go away
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to did everyone else think Discourse was some shitty SaaS all this time? turns out otis open source ??? by twovests
I used to read coding horror all the time and he would blog about it a lot, though not most of the time.
Yeah it's open source but with service licensing, pretty common business model tbh. Not the worst way to do it if you're a business person.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in harry potter was an excellent found-family narrative and it's time to take it back. introducing: HARRY POTTER by Hatsune Miku by twovests
I would even go as far as there's a canonical reason you can't do the imperious curse. Like you can trick people with magic, and you could marionette someone with magic like telekinesis (like just move them around yourself, if you wanted) bit it would be obvious what was happening, and you can't directly compel someone to do something.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in harry potter was an excellent found-family narrative and it's time to take it back. introducing: HARRY POTTER by Hatsune Miku by twovests
Oh also, suggesting that we remove everything about mind control and love potions and shit. Get it outta there.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to harry potter was an excellent found-family narrative and it's time to take it back. introducing: HARRY POTTER by Hatsune Miku by twovests
Yeah the house elf thing was, for me, so weird and it bothered me, but I just looked past it because I liked the rest of the books.
I think you could have the boblins run one bank, but have other banks too. And they're not greedy they're just huge nerds who love counting things or something. Like it's not that they control the banks, they're just in to math and technology. Have them invent a bunch of doodads and gadgets too, sorta blending goblins and gnomes.
I like the idea of the obscured arts. I think of it as like, gun control. The magic isn't special, but you don't really want just anyone studying dangerous war spells. Especially in middle school. But it's not like it's this evil branch of magic, it's just the same stuff but particular applications. Like we don't have missile and gun technology (well we kind of do) but at the end of the day it's still just physics and engineering. Any engineering student could make a gun if they wanted, and any Hogwarts student could just kill someone, if they chose to.
flabberghaster wrote
Take it to /f/spam_zone, pal
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to horrible idea: under communism, we might still have organizations which are logistically and financially similar to (1) amazon and (2) the stock market by twovests
The thing is, you're absolutely right. "Finance" does serve a purpose. I don't think there'd be a stock market where rich people gamble on pieces of companies like poker chips, but the finance industry does serve a purpose under capitalism and a similar thing would be needed: the allocation of huge amounts of society's resources. Financial companies are just capitalist central planners, and they optimize to keep themselves rich and keep capitalism running. Such a thing would be needed under socialism too, but with different incentive structures and goals.
flabberghaster wrote
Don't skimp on the leavening, heavy bread is an acquired taste.
My dad used to love making bread but it was so heavy a single slice could be your whole meal and it was so yeasty.
So don't do that I guess.
flabberghaster wrote
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in Had some popcorn today, it was pretty good. by 500poundsofnothing
flabberghaster wrote
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by emma in i've decided to get a microwave oven by emma
Oh, come on. It will only heat up the water part of your guts. What do you have to fear. How much of your guts are water anyway?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in hi how do I network by voxpoplar
Well the original idea was to run something that accepts a TCP connection, and then run wireshark and see if you have a lot of retransmitted packets, which would mean the cable is probably bad and dropping packets.
You can probably still look at ping and see if there's packet drops but yeah, probably not as reliable doing it that way.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in hi how do I network by voxpoplar
I guess you don't need to for my idea anyway which is to flood ping the router (ping it with an increased frequency and see if you get packet losses)
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in hi how do I network by voxpoplar
Or actually are you able to log in to a shell on your router?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to you know how people would say, "haha i keep thinking 10 years ago is the 90s", but in reality, the 90s were 20 years ago? in reality, the 90s were 30 years ago by twovests
Time should stop marching on. It needs to wait for this man.