~8 months ago, when Jstpst came back up online, thumbnails weren't working. Whoops!
Besides setting TRUSTED_PROXIES in the docker-compose, I'm working on another Postmill install with someone and we can't figure out how to fix it lol
I've scoured Jstpst, the Element room, etc. Jstpst and this other Postmill install are very similar setups, using the same Caddy version, similar Caddy files, same Postmill version, similar Docker Compose files, and the same Postmill versions. And yet I can't figure out how to fix it...
(There are actually a few things that were fixed that I don't personally remember, like a Vary: Accept header, etc. But thumbnails is thing number 1 hehe)
The problem was I needed to chmod +x
the submission_images_2x/
and submission_images_1x/
dirs. Just an Nginx thing
emma wrote
i think it was just setting TRUSTED_PROXIES.
exactly how are the thumbnails broken? what do the thumbnail urls being generated look like?