devtesla wrote
I've enjoyed reading this post
devtesla wrote
Mainstream 90s gay movies are often shockingly good, and all have worse reputations than they deserve because they got dropped into a rotten cultural moment. Philadelphia and The Crying Game come to mind.
devtesla wrote
Reply to update: i put in my two weeks' notice by hollyhoppet
You gave em two weeks that's so nice of you.
devtesla wrote
Sometimes it's time to be done.
devtesla wrote
sometimes you post by not posting
devtesla wrote
Reply to My favourite location in gaming is this bathroom from Hitman 2: Silent Assassin that has two toilets directly facing each other by Jenheadjen
an incredible level of intimacy
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by skookin in tried asking my primary care doctor about getting my tubes tied, was discouraged by skookin
Yeah I hope it helps. I don't think just being planned parenthood will mean the doc is good, but it's a better chance. Wishing you the best
devtesla wrote
Reply to tried asking my primary care doctor about getting my tubes tied, was discouraged by skookin
Can you just go to planned parenthood instead of talking to primary care?
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in i'm an atheist, i'm a feminist, i support BLM and BDS, i write rust and use linux btw by twovests
I'm scared of women but I respect them
devtesla wrote
devtesla wrote
Reply to What To Know About The 4B Movement by neku
that is a wild choice for an onion subject Lol
devtesla wrote
same story slightly different characters I think. they recast some roles between seasons
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I think it's funny that Apple's M-series chips are so good by twovests
I like Apple way more than you do, but it does really feel like the magic used to be design, software, and marketing and now it's almost entirely about being insanely good at sourcing parts. I can't argue with how good a lot of their products are, but I do wish there were a wider variety of interesting things those chips were going into
devtesla wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by twovests in I think it's funny that Apple's M-series chips are so good by twovests
Looks like they've basically bought up the latest processes since 2014. Note that these "3nm" processes they're talking about are just marketing terms at this point, but the lower the nm process the better it is, generally.
Also apple not paying for defective chips is crazy. Part of the reason that cpus come in a billion different models is binning, the best ones are in the most expensive parts and the ones with defective cores turned off make it into the cheaper ones. Apple I guess doesn't deal with that at all.
devtesla wrote
The answer to "why are Apple's chips the best in the world" is that they have exclusive access to the latest and greatest assembly lines at TSMC, the best semiconductor foundry in the world. AMD and Nvidia have great CPUs and GPUs because they have secondary access to those lines after Apple.
I don't want to say that Apple has no expertise at building chips and it's all TSMC, but that's the core reason why Lol. And goddamn is TSMC important fr
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
I'm an iOSer so there isn't one I use, the feedbin developer lists a few tho.
devtesla wrote
Reply to Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
There's a reason I've been a subscriber for a decade it's real good.
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
I don't think you can self-host feedbin but I think it's worth the $5/month
devtesla wrote
I'm doing the same, husband too
devtesla wrote
I understood the basic plot, but I feel like there is More To Understand.
The key to understanding Spirited Away is that it's meant as a way to pass along values to specifically Japanese kids in 2001, but it's doing so in an open ended dreamy way. It's a lecture from your granddad that spins off wildly. I don't think there's really that much there, it just boils down to "work hard, there's no shortcuts, don't be greedy" but it's kind of fascinating anyway.
I'm not as big on Miyazaki as I am on the rest of the great Japanese animators, he's so focused on achieving a certain standard of quality that there's a lack of risk in the projects he takes on and they kind of turn out blah. He's definitely a great entertainer tho and there's some undeniable masterpieces. I love Porco Rosso and was pleasantly surprised that The Boy and The Heron rules
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by missingno in Spirited Away is fantastic! Takeaways from my first Ghibli movie by twovests
these days dubs are almost always good
I would argue against this, just because there's so many speed dubs that come out as fast as possible, like weeks after the shows air. They can be pretty bad depending on the show! But yeah most movies have great dubs.
devtesla wrote (edited )
oh lol that did happen lmao
I don't even remember what it was about
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in This post is only readable by Jstpst Premium Members by hollyhoppet
go purchase premium. we're having an exclusive discussion about the post on the premium jstpst