Dogmantra wrote
Reply to im the greatest gamer in the world. by neku
the two hour youtube video explaining how you did it is in production as we speak
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by winter in dog yenoh by flabberghaster
oh I know
Dogmantra wrote
if nothing else works there's the old tried and true put some tape over it
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to I'm thinking of making a new federal law that says everyone has to be nice to me by flabberghaster
the law has been passed by authority of me
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to What TV shows are you watching lately? by twovests
I watched The Office (UK) because I felt like it's a big enough thing that I should have seen it. Then I decided to watch The Office (US) because I wanted to compare and contrast the adaptation. I don't particularly enjoy either of them but it's something to have on in the background.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Nut November by anethum
getting into walnuts lately, perhaps I will sieze the opportunity
Dogmantra wrote
we gotta check you for posting-enhancing drugs because this is a hell of a good post
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to horrible time to be an artist who's personal style is over-saturated hyper-detailed asymmetrically-rendered characters with inconsistent perspective and blobby backgrounds by twovests
my subtle body horror pieces are going surprisingly unremarked upon
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to is the social media site of the future. The only thing it's missing is big brand accounts. by flabberghaster
I will be taking any brand accounts that use Dog Honey© to court.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to i think the Jstpst Experience would be much improved if every comment was hidden behind a tiny 'show more' link, and if you misclick while attempting to click it, then you're taken to a different page where clicking the back button doesn't take you back to your position in the thread you were reading by emma
while we're implementing this can we also implement a "this page looks better in the app" popup that shows up at random and regardless of what you click it refreshes the page and you lose your place
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in The official theme of exploding two trains and killing three people by 500poundsofnothing
gosh I'm enamoured with the idea that this tune read as scathing satire at the time
Dogmantra wrote (edited )
the official theme of deliberately exploding two trains and killing three people
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to They should invent some sort of beam or ray that makes you not be anxious anymore by flabberghaster
I would settle for a salve or ointment that has this effect also
Dogmantra wrote
I feel this so hard, but sometimes you just ain't feeling it! don't force yourself!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to I wonder if these dogs this dog honey was made out of lived their loves freely roaming by Moonside
the dog honey propaganda board would like to remind you that only dog honey from the happiest dogs tastes sweet and delicious, dog honey from unhappy dogs tastes bitter and is almost inedible, because all of your dog honey is as sweet as can be, that's how you know the dogs lived their lives freely roaming, frolicking, and smelling the urine of as many other dogs as they wanted!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by skookin in ITT: post a webcomic u enjoy by skookin
I own one of the original strips! I love it!
Dogmantra wrote (edited )
Reply to ITT: post a webcomic u enjoy by skookin
ozy and millie, it has been finished since 2008 so perhaps not the best if you are looking for something to keep reading, but it is vast and wonderful and cute and a bit of the ending makes me cry every time
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to does anyone else remember 'dog honey' by emma
sadly we can never return to those days :(
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by neku in new! season! of. taskmaster uk! by neku
oooh nice, I watched the first 3 series on channel 4's online service because they just added a few international taskmasters but didn't have s4 yet, hopefully they add it soon
totally agree on Jeremy, but I do appreciate that he's not just trying to replicate the original, it gives it a fun different flavour
Dogmantra wrote (edited )
Reply to new! season! of. taskmaster uk! by neku
hell yeah, recently watched the first three series of taskmaster NZ so it'll be weird to see alex horne in the assistant spot rather than paul williams
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to what's your tea? by oolong
honestly just english breakfast with (oat) milk
stereotypical english tea drinker
Dogmantra wrote
I checked and that URL is available so I expect you to follow up on this post
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to what the fuck is dog honey? by flabberghaster
it's the dog version of honey
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to [SOLVED] i want to be cremated after i've passed but if i'm cremated i can't become a skeleton by hollyhoppet
mix ashes into cement, make cast of a skeleton
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to I've come to the realization that being silly is low effort. There are numerous ways to be silly, but only one way to be serious. For that reason, I will not be being silly any more. Please respect my decision at this time by twovests
also remember that posts can be effortful or not