Recent comments in /f/venting
Jenheadjen wrote
Reply to I want to indulge in clowning. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of laughing. Clown in this thread with me. by twovests
<:°) hwee hee hee hee hoo
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to I want to indulge in clowning. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of laughing. Clown in this thread with me. by twovests
oh i’m way better at clowning
anyway to cope i often tell myself at least no matter what they do they can’t take my vagina from me
twovests OP wrote
Reply to I want to indulge in clowning. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of laughing. Clown in this thread with me. by twovests
It's all so fucking absurd!
Please imagine a version of yourself from 2015. You're chatting with them.
Were they on Reddit? What did they think of Bitcoin? What about the shiba inu memes? "Wow, such post"? Were they aware of Elon Musk? Did they think he was the cool space billionaire? Did they think Trump's presidential run was just so funny?
Now please imagine telling them "Under Elon Musk plays a Himmler to President Trump's Hitler as he leads a hostile takeover of the entire United States federal government under the new DOGE agency."
Can someone please clown with me? This is so absurd. This is all so absurd. I fantasize about finding out this is all a wild fever dream.
President Trump was a clown. Elon Musk was a stupid Redditor idol. Doge was a tired meme about a cute dog. Hillary Clinton was going to be President.
rain wrote
Reply to I want to indulge in dooming. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of screaming. Doom in this thread with me. by twovests
I’m just tired of talking people off of metaphorical ledges when I’m not really convinced myself. Panic isn’t helping people cope, but damn it - it’s justified. And I wish it were even possible to convince me otherwise.
I talked with two more people wanting to pull their queer/trans kids out of school yesterday. Had a good friend in tears out of fear for her godchild. Pretty much everyone with trans kids is in a near panic and I’m pretty damn scared too.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to I want to indulge in dooming. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of screaming. Doom in this thread with me. by twovests
I legit have no idea what to do, at all.
devtesla wrote
Reply to I want to indulge in dooming. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of screaming. Doom in this thread with me. by twovests
I took a lit class in high school, and I forget the term they used but there was a unit that was basically all just depressing short stories. Like bad things always happening, there's no light at the end of the tunnel, ending somehow worse than you thought it could get. The teacher made a point for us to take a look at the people struggling in these stories, and how they kept going despite the pointlessness. It's something that's weirdly stuck with me.
I'd like to think I'm someone who would keep doing the next right thing even as all the lights go out. Like I'm on a dying planet just crawling through the muck because it seems like the right thing to do. Or being Kirsten Dunst in Melancholia.
I'm not like an optimistic person but I think this attitude keeps me from really dooming out.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by Jenheadjen in I want to indulge in dooming. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of screaming. Doom in this thread with me. by twovests
I appreciate it! This is Very Scary Times
Jenheadjen wrote
Reply to I want to indulge in dooming. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of screaming. Doom in this thread with me. by twovests
I'm not american but I've been feeling really scared for all my american friends lately, especially my trans american friends. Shit is getting real scary real fast. I wish i had the funds to financially help them all get out of the country while they can, but i can barely support myself as it is.
twovests OP wrote (edited )
Reply to I want to indulge in dooming. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of screaming. Doom in this thread with me. by twovests
I'm not going to be ashamed of missing Obama! I miss Obama!
Okay, I will be a little ashamed. He was also a war criminal.
"I got selected for President Trump's draft to annex Canada" would sound like laughably bad satire in 2014. "Things don't get that silly that fast," someone would say.
A friend of mine reached out after making the heartbreaking decision to send their documents in to get their passport renewed back to their birth sex. I had to break the news that they probably won't get their documents back for awhile. They're having a panic attack at that information. I think it was right for me to give the information, but, fuck.
I feel like I'm wasting my time doing things on the local network.
I remember reading Among the Hidden, a young adult dystopian thriller, and it was actually quite good. Youths stage a protest on the white house over IRC, and I thought, "But they can see the IP addresses of the kids using IRC." And in the end, they kill all the kids at the protest. Gripping story.
Hey, Joe Biden! Your presidency would have been historic, and regarded among Jimmy Carter, if you didn't wait until 2023 to prosecute Trump.
USD might crash, I'm seriously considering buying Bitcoin, can someone talk me off that ledge? How much of all my money should I turn to Bitcoin?
Thinking about the 55 year old Bitcoin bro who hit on his niece at the family gathering in front of everyone, including his own wife and children. He then asked me about artificial intelligence (which I'm an expert in, ugh). He and his wife were both very drunk when they drove their huge black truck home.
I wonder how long until the N-word is in common use again by politicians. The "you can't say this word" argument is a pretty complicated and abstract one, that also requires you already believe racism is a thing that exists and is bad.
Recently had a Jewish friend who did not know who Netanyahu or the ADL were. Recently had a 28 year old friend who did not know that SCOTUS rulings apply nationally. Recently had someone argue that "99% Hitler vs 100% Hitler" is actual numeric fact and not a silly exaggeration to drive a point. I am finding it increasingly hard to talk to the people on "our" side, because, fuck, come on, what. We still need to think even if the MAGAs aren't
The next DOOM is coming out in May, but I need a new computer, and tarriffs- oh nooooo
Doom with me in the Doom thrread
rain OP wrote
Reply to I’m out of hummus and my bread molded… by rain
My wonderful partner picked me up more hummus while she was out!
does a happy dance
rain wrote
Reply to ough... by hollyhoppet
Fascists above stomping you down, the crab bucket below pulling you back in. No way out.
twovests wrote
Reply to Every day, I become increasingly distraught by the stupidity of the american general public. by cowloom
This is entirely valid and I'm feeling the same.
It's not just frustrating or exhausting, it's this deep existential terror I feel.
Living in a society with near-universal literacy is one of the privileges that come with living in America. And now there's a possibility that becomes a thing of the past.
I love to get in arguments online, and something I increasingly see is something like this:
incomprehensible bullshit
Frankly, this is incomprehensible. I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Surely you'd agree it's never acceptable to poison children?
cringe, you know you lost the argument when you need to break out the thesaurus 🙄
... Come on, I am using common English words in simple sentence structures.
It's so disheartening! It might have been worse, but it makes me miss the time when someone could say "you made a spelling mistake; your argument is invalid".
hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )
Reply to by hollyhoppet
actually i'm probably just being repeatedly triggered back to my own poverty-related trauma now that i think about it
twovests wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by devtesla in tried asking my primary care doctor about getting my tubes tied, was discouraged by skookin
Planned Parenthood is great for its relatively-low-barrier-of-entry.
When I got HRT they were very "no questions asked, but also this is such a mysterious and possibly Dangerous Drug, and we will need a lot of blood from you". Which is a lot better than the experiences I heard to expect from anywhere else!
cowloom wrote
Reply to tried asking my primary care doctor about getting my tubes tied, was discouraged by skookin
The childfree subreddit on the other site used to have a list of doctors on their wiki page that wouldn't give you the runaround about getting your tubes tied. I'm not sure if it's still there, but if so, it may be worth seeing if your city / a nearby city is on the list, and reaching out to one of those doctors! Don't let one "no" hold you back.
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by skookin in tried asking my primary care doctor about getting my tubes tied, was discouraged by skookin
Yeah I hope it helps. I don't think just being planned parenthood will mean the doc is good, but it's a better chance. Wishing you the best
skookin OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in tried asking my primary care doctor about getting my tubes tied, was discouraged by skookin
i guess its worth a try. i did get my current bc from them and it was a great experience, minimal runaround
devtesla wrote
Reply to tried asking my primary care doctor about getting my tubes tied, was discouraged by skookin
Can you just go to planned parenthood instead of talking to primary care?
Alessia wrote
Reply to i actually didn't stop hrt hehe by twovests
I would like to register my support for unlimited forcefem on the male population of planet Earth
cute_spider wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by twovests in i actually didn't stop hrt hehe by twovests
no that's going to be illegal in 2025 so for the same reasons in your other post i am not going to start any new gender adventures and in fact going to move from "agender" to "cis+" which is mostly just a marketing move but still.
my internet friend who's big into finnster recommended it and I think it's a good move
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in i actually didn't stop hrt hehe by twovests
🔫take the fucking estrogen
(i am joking and do not actually think we should start people on estrogen at birth)
cute_spider wrote
Reply to i actually didn't stop hrt hehe by twovests
I also start to wonder if society would be better if all people AMAB were started on a strict regimen of estrogen actually.
I eat women's gummie multi vitamins and I feel like that's enough
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in can someone tell me how valid a "mental health day" is by twovests
unless the basement represents masculinity, I think you should brave it and head down
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in can someone tell me how valid a "mental health day" is by twovests
good point. i AM trying to find one. perhaps that's worth taking a mental health day for...
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I want to indulge in clowning. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of laughing. Clown in this thread with me. by twovests
I'm still insisting, "The meme is pronounced DOG-E. Like Doggy. Like how a dog would spell doggy. It's a good meme for a good doggy."