Recent comments in /f/just_post


It's sort of a low whistle like that of a train! It builds up slowly then reaches an apex at just above speaking volume or thereabouts. It's not too disturbing but lets you know the water is ready. I like it because it's so much lower pitched than most kettles I've heard which tend to be quite high pitched!


Jenheadjen wrote (edited )

ok these are easy enough items for me to have a few

  1. idk if acoustic guitar counts as a "casual" instrument but i have one. I havent played it in too long, i need to get back on that. I would say: like it.

14 It serves it's intended purpose of cutting and/or slicing things. Like it.

I can't say i own 15, i merely contribute posts here. But like it, anyway.


twovests wrote

    // The webpage "document" listens for an event titled "DOMContentLoaded".
    // When this happens, it runs this "anonymous function"
    // It takes no parameters, `()`, and runs everything inside the { }
    () => {
      // An array of splash text,
      splashes = [
        "born 2 post",
        "Now with 100% more post!",
        "Where's The Dog Honey?",
        "I love you thiiiiiiis much",
      // And now, inside the webpage "document", find our "splash", and set its text.
      // What do we set it to? splashes[ some_random_index ]
      document.getElementById("splash").textContent = splashes[
         Math.floor(Math.random() * splashes.length)
      // Most programming languages have something like "Math.randrange(0, splashes.length)"
      // But JavaScript hates you
<p id="splash"></p>
