Recent comments in /f/just_post

Jenheadjen wrote (edited )

ok these are easy enough items for me to have a few

  1. idk if acoustic guitar counts as a "casual" instrument but i have one. I havent played it in too long, i need to get back on that. I would say: like it.

14 It serves it's intended purpose of cutting and/or slicing things. Like it.

I can't say i own 15, i merely contribute posts here. But like it, anyway.


twovests wrote

    // The webpage "document" listens for an event titled "DOMContentLoaded".
    // When this happens, it runs this "anonymous function"
    // It takes no parameters, `()`, and runs everything inside the { }
    () => {
      // An array of splash text,
      splashes = [
        "born 2 post",
        "Now with 100% more post!",
        "Where's The Dog Honey?",
        "I love you thiiiiiiis much",
      // And now, inside the webpage "document", find our "splash", and set its text.
      // What do we set it to? splashes[ some_random_index ]
      document.getElementById("splash").textContent = splashes[
         Math.floor(Math.random() * splashes.length)
      // Most programming languages have something like "Math.randrange(0, splashes.length)"
      // But JavaScript hates you
<p id="splash"></p>




thank you! mercifully i am better now — still got a post infectious hacking cough though :(

viruses are indeed a type of video games! i run caves of qud on a fractal lattice of sulfolobus monocaudavirus.

which is really cool btw. the capsid looks awesome and its an archaeal virus. it goes after these super acidophilic thermophilic archaea in hot springs and the like