Recent comments in /f/just_post
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in just deleted my twitters :) by twovests
hollyhoppet wrote
my professional opinion after being an app developer for fifteen years is only install an app if you see actual value or utility (or fun i suppose) in it. and even if you do install it, don't trust it because you've likely entered whatever bs user funnel they've concocted to guide your engagement to somehow getting them more money.
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to just deleted my twitters :) by twovests
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I think it's funny that Apple's M-series chips are so good by twovests
I like Apple way more than you do, but it does really feel like the magic used to be design, software, and marketing and now it's almost entirely about being insanely good at sourcing parts. I can't argue with how good a lot of their products are, but I do wish there were a wider variety of interesting things those chips were going into
500poundsofnothing OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to always drive >195 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by 500poundsofnothing
I put a massive qr code that leads to the website on my sick ass car that I drive at roughly 200 pmg through school zones in.
cute_spider wrote
Reply to as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to always drive <35mph in an 80mph zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by flabberghaster
That sounds like a good plan! Can you drift while driving at that speed?
twovests wrote
I use most apps on my phone as web sites. I think apps are nice when your app uses gestures that would otherwise overlap with webbed site, or when you're doing anything computationally intensive that would otherwise be done in JavaScript (or even WASM).
Another good reason is if you do not know how to make web sites but you do know how to make apps. One of the very best reasons is when your app is a web browser.
I also get the vibe that cert pinning is easier to do in apps than websites (I make websites and not apps, but even then I know how to cert pin in an Android app when I wouldn't be able to tell you how to set up HSTS, which I don't think even does cert pinning).
But I suspect that apps are better for leveraging analytical capabilities to synergize our product development teams with our long-term business strategies while delivering shareholder value and, most importantly, delighting our customers while delivering relevant deals and offers.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in I think it's funny that Apple's M-series chips are so good by twovests
haha, what the fuck. this is hilarious
i think apple does bin some, you usually get a few numbers of cores to choose from, but i believe that's only two tiers per processor.
i know it's still impressive to design your own silicon, but the magic is just monopoly? the "apple sucks forever" nerd in me stays winning
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in the worst part about being an admin account is i could remove any flair on any post and my lizard brain is constantly like "ooh button" by hollyhoppet
hovering my mouse pointer over the x button and going "i'm not clicking you, i'm not clicking you"
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to always drive >195 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by 500poundsofnothing
i don't think i like being called a brand lmao
devtesla wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by twovests in I think it's funny that Apple's M-series chips are so good by twovests
Looks like they've basically bought up the latest processes since 2014. Note that these "3nm" processes they're talking about are just marketing terms at this point, but the lower the nm process the better it is, generally.
Also apple not paying for defective chips is crazy. Part of the reason that cpus come in a billion different models is binning, the best ones are in the most expensive parts and the ones with defective cores turned off make it into the cheaper ones. Apple I guess doesn't deal with that at all.
cute_spider wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to always drive >195 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by 500poundsofnothing
okay cool yes DRIFT LIKE HELL
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to never drive >95 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by emma
Oh, I thought you were a real one. I thought you could be counted on to spread the word of Posting. I guess you're just a follower.
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to never drive >95 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by emma
a phone reviewer's latest controversy is that he sped >95mph in a school zone. it turns out this is real life
500poundsofnothing OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to always drive >195 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by 500poundsofnothing
the communists are trying to censor me, mods please save me.
500poundsofnothing wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to never drive >95 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by emma
I have no idea what this is in reference to tbh
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by neku in as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to never drive >95 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by emma
i feel like a criminal going 5 km/h above the speed limit
i fantasize about americans feeling this way
twovests wrote
Reply to as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to never drive >95 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by emma
i saw 500poundsofnothing's post before yours, and then realized you're talking about something a real life youtuber did in real life. amazing
twovests wrote
Reply to as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to always drive >195 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by 500poundsofnothing
indecipherable atrocity. please never stop posting
emma wrote
neku wrote (edited )
Reply to as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to never drive >95 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by emma
had to look this one up but wow. going 150 km/h in a 60 is absolutely deranged. if you get caught doing that shit you should not be allowed to drive. i feel like a criminal going 5 km/h above the speed limit on the motorway - i don't understand how or why, but it seems like its become endemic in american culture to go over 30 mph above the speed limit at nearly all times
neku wrote
Reply to I'm a big pro-wokeness type of guy by flabberghaster
can't relate i'm sleeping bitch!!!!