Recent comments in /f/ask

nomorepie wrote

Yes! I hope you won't take this the wrong way but I saw someone post on the reddit just post a few days ago, very ornate and well thought out and esoteric posts, and I was like, is that twovests?? Turned out to be someone else alas, a few out there are still carrying the just post torch!!


Moonside wrote

It could be that you'd benefit from something more vigorous or frankly stressful. I had a period where I didn't do much besides very leisurely activities - was injured and had to stay in bed, recovered. Not just physically but also had no external demands. My stress tolerance went down and I was hyper all the time, but I started literally playing fps games and high intensity cardio (the kind of where you go hard for a minute or two and have to take a break) to get adrenaline flowing in my body and get used to it again.


rain wrote

Are you hungry or thirsty? Either of these can make your physiology ramp up.

Other than that, I’d recommend to go towards the extremes. Either work yourself tired or meditate until you are still. If you tend to get a lot of exercise normally I would start with meditation, if not get up and move.


twovests wrote (edited )

I hate to say it, but exercise, preferably cardio. The gymbros and fitfluencers were right about this one particular thing :(

I think many, many of my emotional problems were just having - literal - pent up energy. Blood sugar or whatever. Walking and running sweats away the anxiety.

That said, I love getting into fights with strangers online. So it's hard to say



A lot of the time in baking when you measure out flour with cups you're meant to scoop the flour into the measuring cup with a spoon and then level it off with a knife, and I find that incredibly tedious. The easier option of just scooping the flour out with the measuring cup almost doubles the amount of flour, so that's not great either... I've found myself preferring a scale for measuring flour most of the time.


flabberghaster OP wrote

oh that's actually a really good call. when i measure flour i have a whole process where i take a measuring cup and a butter knife to level the measurement off but that means i have to dirty two things up each time i measure.

I'll have to look in to getting a scale. i don't like buying special kitchen tools though, so who knows. if i get one i'll let you know.