Recent comments
rain wrote
I have no idea what you are talking about, but I’m curious.
rain wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Gambling CW -- What's the catch with these promos? by twovests
I was figuring something like this would be the case. I wonder if I could find paired hedge bets that would let me get at least a hundred out of those bets.
If I try there are a few self imposed rules…
Rule 1) no extra money loaded - no matter what it looks like on paper if I can’t do it solely off of the initial deposit then the whole thing needs to be abandoned.
Rule 2) Just as soon as I can get the money out, pull it and never use their site again
What do y’all think, should I try? Fair disclosure: even if everyone says yes I may decide not to
rain wrote
Now you have me seriously thinking about signing go to a gambling site with the intent of taking their promo and running - mostly to write up the experience. But I just had a $250 car repair bill I need to pay for. Maybe this is the way to do it lol
flabberghaster wrote
My understanding is you don't get actually paid out until you wager a certain amount that's much much higher. Like you bet five dollars and get two hundred, but to be eligible you have to bet like a thousand dollars total.
That's what they said on a podcast, or what I took from what that podcast.
Not an expert.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Gambling CW -- What's the catch with these promos? by twovests
I mean, I think that's the idea right? First step is you put in a tiny fee, you see a big $200 number, and then you're hooked.
devtesla wrote
This feels like the first chapter of a cyberpunk novel. It should be easy money.... but then you're in too deep and the digital mafia is after you....
Dogmantra wrote
The popular explanation is that it only opens for the pure of heart, but that was a myth spread by a group of the first people to successfully open The Box to big themselves up. A lot of people still believe this though, and many aspiring Boxcavators (as you know, this is the term for people who open The Box) waste their time doing things like volunteering for charities in an attempt to make themselves more pure of heart.
We don't know for sure but the current best explanation we have is that it's got something to do with how many times you thought about shrews prior to your 15th birthday, but it's proving difficult to experiment on because when people have been instructed to think a lot about shrews we can't be sure if it's multiple thoughts, or if continuously thinking about shrews counts as just one single long thought.
twovests OP wrote
By "nonlinear cost function", I mean scenarios where the dollars gained are worth more than those lost, or scenarios with quantifiable factors other than dollars gained and lost.
I've gambled four times in my life under a nonlinear cost function:
Need 4 Pee: Bladder 'bout to blast, I hid myself away into a Boston Bodega, begging for the bathroom. "For customers only," said the sign, and the cheapest product was a $2 scratch off. I paid, peed, and knew my winnings: One trip to the bathroom. This was nonlinear because I was going to pee.
Not going to finish that? Years ago, I went to a casino with a friend, and having had never used the machines before, I wanted to try them out. I had $40. The experience was underwhelming, but someone had left cash in the machine and I win on my first bet. I ended up coming out with $100. This was nonlinear because (1) I was paying for the novel experience, and (2) I ended up getting free money.
Orange lining: This most recent election, I put some money on Trump. The thinking was this would hedge against layoffs a bit, and give me something to look forward to even in the worst case. I didn't put in a lot, maybe I should have? This was nonlinear because I expected dollars to be worth less if Trump won, and also for emotional reasons.
The 401K account counts too: Putting money into investment account is also gambling. But that employer match and tax incentive makes it nonlinear, even if you believe the economy is just a bubble.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by Fangren in Admin update, the whitelist, and you! by twovests
Whoops, thank you! Fixed :)
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to My legally distinct Metroid OC by twovests
When I read Eire I think of the Irish name for Ireland (Éire) so pronounced it like "air-ah" in my head but is it intended to just be like "air" or "ear" or something else?
ellynu wrote
Reply to Admin update, the whitelist, and you! by twovests
elly whitelist real :)
keep up the good admin work
Fangren wrote
Reply to Admin update, the whitelist, and you! by twovests
I'm not whitelisted!
neku wrote
Reply to think im going to possibly make a really long post about a homosexual video game in the nearish future by Jenheadjen
i love homosexual video game
twovests OP admin wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Admin update, the whitelist, and you! by twovests
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Preemptive Lunchposting: 8 Hot Dogs. by 500poundsofnothing
I just don't have a web cam
flabberghaster wrote
I could do this easily in like an hour
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to Admin update, the whitelist, and you! by twovests
i am going to post so, so much spam ❤️
twovests OP wrote
Reply to Admin update, the whitelist, and you! by twovests
The aforementioned admin ramble: June of last year, I was made Official System Administrator of Just Post, but my admin
boolean was set false
in the database. I would turn it on occasionally to crouton a spam post here or there. But I had it set false most of the time, because I felt weird having all these admin controls throughout the user interface. It felt like having a nuke button next to my "post" button. But I'm done with feeling weird about that and I am now just keeping the admin
bool set to true
. In retrospect, that's also the more transparent thing to do, since I think it shows up on my profile. And in practice, there's no real difference anyways
twovests OP wrote stupid science bastards stole my research
hollyhoppet OP wrote
nomorepie wrote
Your hubris
nomorepie wrote
Reply to has anyone ever tried writing fan fiction but only your OCs are in it and it's based on a setting you built yourself by hollyhoppet
true fiction has never been attempted
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in has anyone ever tried writing fan fiction but only your OCs are in it and it's based on a setting you built yourself by hollyhoppet
Oh yeah but the fanfiction to fiction pipeline is real
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in it's transgender friday by hollyhoppet
it's always friday somewhere in the world