Recent comments
nomorepie wrote
Reply to I have not seen a compelling argument for anarchy, or even a description of the future anarchists want by twovests
Once I tried to read that "guillotines are bad" essay that they like to disseminate but it was too boring and preachy. That's my only knowledge of anarchist theory
nomorepie wrote
Reply to small slice of banana bread by Jenheadjen
I should try making it sometime
nomorepie wrote
Reply to you could wake up at 5am by oolong
I frequently do! And then I go back to sleep for a few more hours lol
oolong OP wrote
Reply to you could wake up at 5am by oolong
but you're still awake at 4 am
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I have not seen a compelling argument for anarchy, or even a description of the future anarchists want by twovests
It's more about hierarchical social structures than like... coercing a boss to accept a union. Like you shouldn't have one person in your group who can kick you out or make you do things if you don't want to, or no one should be forced to work a job to make ends meet, through the coercive power of wage labor.
That's not the same as like, you and your co workers getting together and saying if the boss doesn't negotiate we'll go on strike / slash his tires / what have you. That is coercive, in a way, but it's not really the same thing.
rain wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in If you STILL aren't organizing, then you're part of the problem. by cowloom
Alright full confession on one item - I have adhd and video more than a couple minutes long simply does not work for me, so I saw the vid was 20 minutes and stopped right there.
That said, I’m going to try to address this anyway. In my opinion the best mutual aid networks/opportunities are rarely called “mutual aid,” but that doesn’t mean they aren’t. Any group, formal or informal, working to help each other support themselves (or to help people help each other) should be thought of as a form of mutual aid. Once you accept this it really opens up the possibilities of what you can do.
Don’t get me wrong - I’m all for things like tenant organizing. But since I expect the entire system to collapse in the coming years I don't think that will be enough on its own. That’s where having pre-established networks of people willing to help each other may be life saving - both for you and others.
It’s also true that “handing out groceries” tends to lack the mutual aspect of mutual aid, but it doesn’t have to. And some charities are worth doing even if they are only charity. For example, no matter what else they do, Food Not Bombs feeds hungry people, and that is worth doing. At the same time they offer a chance for meeting people with similar values and philosophies. So even if they are dubious on the “mutual aid” part, they can help lead to genuine mutual aid as well as other organizing opportunities. And even if they don’t do that, they fed hungry people. It’s a win.
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
install took a little while but was very painless. mint now installed and yeah this little machine can actually cope with web browsing and playing a youtube or iplayer video now which is really all I wanted it to do so thank you!
I shall probably be joining the linux cult at some point because I've had nothing but unpleasant experiences trying to get windows 10 to do what I want it to, and mint's very first thing being a popup saying "hey come and mess about with the settings til you have them how you like them" was sort of the nail in the coffin. I doubt I'll be migrating until I have to but when windows 10 stops working I am sure as heck not going to move to another windows unless microsoft bucks their ideas up bigtime!
Jenheadjen OP wrote
Reply to small slice of banana bread by Jenheadjen
god banana bread is so good
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in I have not seen a compelling argument for anarchy, or even a description of the future anarchists want by twovests
Some of these things seem wrong to me, but I don't have the Literature to know otherwise. But this in particular:
Ask yourself if you have two choices, which is the less coercive one to get what your org needs done, and that's probably the way to go
I think I disagree with this? Are there more coercive methods to a better world we're just sitting on?
I mean, I don't think so. But I would love that a lot, even if it means a structure that resembles authoritarianism, or is even just merely closer to authoritarianism than total anarchy.
That said, maybe "coercion" means something different between us. I think disruptive protest is coercive, but also good, for example
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
That IS good news :D Please feel free to ping us / me here, I love getting people into the Linux Cult
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
oh good news is that I have had this machine open before and I know exactly where the ribbon cable is - it's the fact it's not properly connecting that makes it broken in the first place, so best case scenario it's already disconnected (and worst case is that I just need to take out the very easily accessible cable!)
thank you once more :)
oolong wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Plural recommendation: Mr. Robot is very good show about hacking, and has a major plural character by twovests
thank you! you helped me solve a crossword clue: "TV show whose episode titles are formatted like file names"
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to I have not seen a compelling argument for anarchy, or even a description of the future anarchists want by twovests
The idea is kind of two fold I think.
Communists say that After The Revolution™, society eventually becomes a classless, stateless society and everyone just produces for the common good and receives what they need, and there's no need for money to force people to work, nor for guys with sticks to go beat people up.
So even state communists, usually they're saying their authoritarian government is meant as a stepping stone towards that.
Anarchists have the same goal, except they think once you make the state to break up the bourgeoisie, then that state is going to perpetuate itself and you're never going to move beyond it to the better world, so their organizing tends to be based on non hierarchy. Build the world you want to see today, don't build authoritarian structures that are supposed to break down authoritarianism tomorrow.
I don't understand how the monopoly on violence can be abolished, or how it can be prevented from arising again. I don't understand how an anarchist society will have space for the large contingent of people who would want to recreate a hierarchical state with a monopoly on violence.
The idea is, if you had a society where no one had bosses and everyone had their needs already met, and your neighbor Phil showed up and said "we should take over, let's get some guys and make me the king. I'll give you extra food" you wouldn't have any reason to join him because you already have what you need. And of someone started doing that everyone else would just beat him up for trying.
To me, like all utopian ideologies, I see it as more of a north star than a thing you could implement. Ask yourself if you have two choices, which is the less coercive one to get what your org needs done, and that's probably the way to go. It's nebulously defined just as Communism is nebulously defined.
There are good writings on it but I'm not a nerd so I can't think of any off the top of my head sadly.
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
Looking at those specs, I think I ought to recant my Pop recommendation and look for a more light-weight Linux, specifically the Xfce Linux Mint:
As a bonus, Linux Mint XFCE is very "Windows" shaped, still based on Debian, and even more lightweight than Pop! OS.
(I would also recommend using USB and not MicroSD. I don't know why, but I've had problems with using SD cards instead of USB drives on laptops.)
Doing some searching, it seems like people installing Linux on a laptop with a broken screen are usually able to do so by disconnecting the monitor. I can't find the repair manual for this, so this might be difficult... (I would try connecting a monitor at least, to see if you can access BIOS without )
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
it is a very generic piece of garbage by Thomson which is a company I did not know made computers before I got it, and the model number is UK-NEO10A-2BK32. It has an Intel Atom x5-Z8350 (1.44GHz) and a whopping 2GB of RAM. I can't imagine it has anything but integrated graphics.
Has a micro SD slot if that is in some way more useful than installing via USB.
Thank you much! I shall look at Pop! and any future recommendations and see if they can mount the main hurdle of a busted display.
oolong OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in floss by oolong
mmm spearmint
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
neku OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in been getting into eating room temperature slices of plain white bread by neku
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Plural recommendation: Mr. Robot is very good show about hacking, and has a major plural character by twovests
At the risk of spoiling it, it's definitely a bit magical and very impossible. It's the most exaggerated part of the show, but I feel seen for lack of a better word.
I don't want to spoil too much, but every element of it, I can relate to with my dissociative identity thing.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to Plural recommendation: Mr. Robot is very good show about hacking, and has a major plural character by twovests
The titles of all the episodes are made to reflect the filenames commonly found in torrents.
But I never knew how accurate it is regarding plurality. It seems rather ham fisted and over the top at times to me, a non plural.
I do love the show though, I've watched it through like three times I think.
twovests wrote
Reply to Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
I forgot to ask, can you give the make/model/specs of your netbook? That will help a ton
twovests wrote
Reply to Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
Pop! OS: is the Linux distro I recommend for basically everybody.
It's based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian, so it has most of the community knowledge around support. It's the "happy path". Pop! OS is nice because it removes the bad part of Ubuntu, called "snaps", but keeps the rest.
The only thing I'm not certain about is using the external display. That's something you will probably need to figure out from googling ;(
As a side note: Befriending the command line is daunting, but pays dividends. A lot of the help online will recommend the command line. You can't avoid it entirely, and it's a superpower.
emma wrote
i think you're wrong about this. anyway, time to read the news.
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
Ive been doing this since I was younge and i will keep doing it till in gone. Which probably wont be long. Because of the amount of plain single slices of bread i consume
nitori OP wrote (edited )
Reply to 【東方vocal】嘘と慟哭 ニコカラ by nitori
I also really like this PV illustrating well the story being told by this song: