Recent comments
ellynu wrote
im proud of you. hops for hollyhop!
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to mad at me check by alianka
I'm a boiling cauldron of white hot rage at all times about all things but not you in particular, for what that's worth.
500poundsofnothing wrote
Reply to mad at me check by alianka
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
a classic " Beast Mode " manoeuvre 🫡
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
Reply to mad at me check by alianka
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to mad at me check by alianka
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Daily Takane #98: Cheer by nitori
i did it. i started my vacation two days early
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in MFW imma JORK IT by oneviolence
How dare you expose my Secrets.
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in When will The Post be posted? by oneviolence
I want that Post on my Desk at 7PM SHARP!
I dont care what time zone though.
emma OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in larry davidian amounts of awkward, as a former coworker whose code contributions i've spent the past two years systematically erasing is not only coming back to the company, he's going to be ceo [Ää] by emma
i am going to cook instant "bali noodle soup" on my terrible induction stove, and try not to spend all evening thinking about it
twovests wrote
Reply to MFW imma JORK IT by oneviolence
good use of the ""GNU's Not Unix" Image Manipulation Program"
cute_spider wrote
Reply to larry davidian amounts of awkward, as a former coworker whose code contributions i've spent the past two years systematically erasing is not only coming back to the company, he's going to be ceo [Ää] by emma
:( that sucks. He sounds like a real fail-upwardser
oolong OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in had an "operating system not found" scare on my old as balls laptop [Aa] by oolong
i have a 17 year old laptop that smells like it's melting(?) that's my sentimental laptop
cute_spider wrote
Reply to When will The Post be posted? by oneviolence
I'm still working on it I promise!
I've been a little (a lot) sick so that's delayed me but I'll make sure to work on it more this evening.
cute_spider wrote
Reply to Daily Takane #98: Cheer by nitori
I'm gonna do it!!
oneviolence wrote
Reply to "Jack me off when September ends", or, how I went three weeks without masturbating and accidentally ran into what Osama Bin Laden called an "extreme case" by twovests
Incredible. Brave. Outstanding.
Thank you for this Post.
oneviolence OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in When will The Post be posted? by oneviolence
twovests wrote
Reply to When will The Post be posted? by oneviolence
you just did it!
twovests wrote
Reply to What if a nondescript monster vocalized at you in an indeterminate manner? by flabberghaster
my response to this one would be too " n s f w"
twovests wrote
i would appreciate it, given the last monster
twovests wrote
well, i would be terrified at least. kind of a fucked up thing to even have to consider
oneviolence wrote
Reply to i want to hug by alianka
You will receive one.
nomorepie wrote
I have no way to know the monster's inner motivation for roaring at me. Ergo I would pee a little.
nomorepie wrote
I would pee a little
twovests wrote
Reply to mad at me check by alianka