toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in dating is a hell fuck by toasthaste
oh no wait i might mean the scavenger sword, i forget, it's the one that crits when you're blow 50% health
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to Gonna shill real quick cause the latency is usually suuuuper low, like 1-2 seconds, which is really helpful for me! It's what I use when I stream. by toasthaste
It used to be called, if anyone is having deja vu
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to I made a forum for streaming cause i always felt a lil guilty clogging up just_post with my stream announcements! Also I'm planning on getting back to it in the near future, I just gotta figure out a schedule that works for me and stick to it! by toasthaste
Or you can just post it in the forum!
toasthaste wrote
Reply to damn this place is gay by comradepupper
toasthaste wrote (edited )
Reply to informal mid-week book club post by mallaidh
im sort of in a lull on Too Like The Lightning! I got it for christmas (2 copies actually lol oops) and I'm liking it a lot but the way it's paced is not the type of pacing that makes me Need to finish it Now Now Now. I'm enjoying hitting it a bit at a time.
It's a cool sci-fi story with an earth society that is super different from our own but in a lot of interesting ways that are well-justified and well-explained. No one in-universe uses gendered pronouns, but the narrator does when narrating, and then points out that it's weird for them to do that. I like to think that a lot of the genders the narrator assigns are not in-line with our current conceptions of gender, and in fact there's been some evidence that this is the case. I'm not too far in yet though.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to im gay and i love devtesla by Dudugs
im devtesla and i love gay
toasthaste wrote
Reply to the thing about anime by cola
I didn't watch any amine for like a decade and then last year i wound up blasting thru a LOT of them but because the backlog is so much i had the freedom to just drop and move on the second they did Too Much Tiddies or whatever bullshit they like to do
in conclusion, gatchaman crowds is super super good, a few other things are ok, and that's all!
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by jorty in i thought this forum was "ima de this" and was wondering if this was a german language forum by drancks
this is a really good goof and i like it a lot thanks for making it :) i chuckled good
toasthaste wrote
toasthaste wrote
Reply to hi im lauren by Lauren
hi lauren I'm toasthaste! welcome welcome welcome hi
toasthaste wrote
ty this is good info but also i would like to call it the "skinny" rather than the "scoop" because well i just think it's a fun word to say!
toasthaste wrote
Reply to i've had to significantly increase my fiber intake for health reasons and like i don't know why people dislike bran cereals by hollyhoppet
cracklin oat bran is SO GOOD id buy it more if it was cheaper
my friends used to call it Hearty Dumps and well, they weren't wrong
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in I had an unusually narrative dream and decided to write it down cause last time this happened I didn’t and I regretted it by toasthaste
im doin that too but i worry that New People we bring in will not know to do this and will miss some of the Good Content
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in dating is a hell fuck by toasthaste
I'm not sure tbh and I've never seen us both in the same room so?? we might. we might be the same person. I got the Spider Rune last night and I'm so proud of myself, I never beat the Watcher without 3 uses of my estus before! it was a close one but the Frantic Sword, as always, is my babe
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Steven Universe Recap: "Lars of the Stars"/"Jungle Moon" by Moonside
yes please!
toasthaste wrote
Oh yeah I fucking LOVED Emerald and her eyepatch-gem, she was so fun
also I went into the episodes knowing there was a dream sequence of some sort involved so I thought Lars being Competent in Space was all a dream for a WHILE
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in dating is a hell fuck by toasthaste
lol naw it's flattering :P
it's complicated on okc tho cause I don't really understand my attraction matrix re: girls so I just put "questioning" on there and get real stressed out on the rare occasions I get messages from girls. I don't wanna lead anyone on but I also don't wanna miss out on opportunities, y'know? 1-800-brains-are-a-fuck
toasthaste wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
hmm.......... books, are good, actually
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in Steven Universe Recap: "Lars of the Stars"/"Jungle Moon" by Moonside
Jungle Moon is the first episode where we technically didn't see Steven at all! I love Stevonnie a lot, it's wild how stable they've become. I also really like that they grew stubble!
toasthaste wrote
the last batch has been sooooooo goood, I dropped off the train for a while around when a lot of people did, when the writing started lagging enough that it wasn't enough to make up for the bad scheduling, but SU IS BACK BABEY
toasthaste wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by Moonside in Steven Universe Recap: "Lars of the Stars"/"Jungle Moon" by Moonside for u
i don't know how to add moderators tho D:
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by leaf in I think about Dark Souls a lot by leaf
obviously it's bleach
toasthaste wrote
Reply to I think about Dark Souls a lot by leaf
same except mtg
toasthaste wrote
Reply to pls reblog my tumblr post about jstpst by hollyhoppet
I dearly want to but a bunch of people I know irl follow me on tungle and something I have long loved about the fempire/just post is that it doesn't overlap with my irl friends. Fills a niche i need :(
I wonder if it would be super weird of me to just like message a bunch of my cool tumblr mutuals about it. They would probably think I got hacked and it was spam but maybe not?????
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by missingno in Gonna shill real quick cause the latency is usually suuuuper low, like 1-2 seconds, which is really helpful for me! It's what I use when I stream. by toasthaste
oh shoot ur right, it was i all along who was deja vu
tbh i figure it's only a matter of time til twitch and co get bought out by the megacorps so im just goin with the best latency. once i say a thing it's gone from my brain forever so if ppl are responding to it like 10 seconds later i will always, always be totally confused