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toasthaste wrote (edited )

im sort of in a lull on Too Like The Lightning! I got it for christmas (2 copies actually lol oops) and I'm liking it a lot but the way it's paced is not the type of pacing that makes me Need to finish it Now Now Now. I'm enjoying hitting it a bit at a time.

It's a cool sci-fi story with an earth society that is super different from our own but in a lot of interesting ways that are well-justified and well-explained. No one in-universe uses gendered pronouns, but the narrator does when narrating, and then points out that it's weird for them to do that. I like to think that a lot of the genders the narrator assigns are not in-line with our current conceptions of gender, and in fact there's been some evidence that this is the case. I'm not too far in yet though.


rice wrote

:O i was wondering why that series title sounded familiar! ada palmer is doing an ama on the bad site. she seems to be giving comparatively lengthy responses, which is cool!