toasthaste wrote
Reply to April Fools Day Joke by flabberghaster
you can't do this!!!!! this isn't the day when it's allowed!!!!! how could you
toasthaste OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in almost made a post yesterday about how happy my relationship made me but I forgot. today it has ended! this sucks by toasthaste
I super don't want someone to help me imagine those scenarios, brain conjuring them up endlessly against my wishes already XD
I know Joy, I know what she's like in relationships, I've met her partners-- those relationships are NOT going anywhere. She is VERY VERY good at relationships! She is a devoted and committed partner and those are explicitly Maximum Commitment Life Partnerships. Sure, unexpected unlikely things can always happen but just. Thinking that way lies madness.
it fucking sucks
toasthaste OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in almost made a post yesterday about how happy my relationship made me but I forgot. today it has ended! this sucks by toasthaste
Yeah, it really sucks. And then of course part of my brain-- because we both WANT to date each other, and get a lot out of it-- is going haywire with "well maybe some of the circumstances will change one day." I mean they theoretically COULD, but. I worry I'm gonna holding a candle for her, going "who knows, maybe something'll change" forever if I let myself.
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in almost made a post yesterday about how happy my relationship made me but I forgot. today it has ended! this sucks by toasthaste
thank you. I am too :(
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in almost made a post yesterday about how happy my relationship made me but I forgot. today it has ended! this sucks by toasthaste
thanmnk u ;-;
toasthaste OP wrote
toasthaste wrote
Reply to the night is eldest before the ring by hollyhoppet
don't count your elds before they ring
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by neku in im the greatest gamer in the world by neku
yeah I think I could probably get preeeetty far if I put the time into it (tho I genuinely think the hardest stuff is just fundamentally beyond my skill level/reaction time), but I thought about it and decided that I just didn't have it in me to spend that kinda time on it! and gosh the steel soul stuff, if I got pretty far and failed I think I'd just give up, I don't have the determination, the chutzpah
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by neku in im the greatest gamer in the world by neku
yeah I think this is the correct way to be about it. I was briefly more in the mindset of "maybe silksong come out soon?" but I have since learned better
still check the team cherry site every month or three tho
toasthaste wrote
Reply to im the greatest gamer in the world by neku
holy shit. I had no idea your power. I love hollow knight and am very average at it, this is something else
toasthaste wrote
I have a french press and I like it but I always kinda wished I'd gotten a moka pot instead (but I have never used one so idk if I would actually have liked it better) so that's a data point for ya
toasthaste wrote
Reply to allow me to play devil's avocado by hollyhoppet
new kind of instrument
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in everyone come back to tumblr by toasthaste
exactly. exactly. you get it.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Frogger 2 Disambiguation by hollyhoppet
I love knowing this information
toasthaste wrote
Reply to by hollyhoppet
the internet is still worth saving as long as we have
toasthaste wrote
Reply to I am visiting my parents this weekend by Dogmantra
good luck dog!!!!
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in february…. the tuesday of months by hollyhoppet
i feel u about february also, to be clear i just think it's fun to pick some months as being specific days of the week
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Elden Ring has multiple poison swamps because 'I can't help myself,' Miyazaki says by hollyhoppet
I love this
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in To this day I still have no idea what home stuck is. by flabberghaster
almost didn't post this but then remembered just post
toasthaste wrote
my girlfriend historically has been a huge fan of homestuck and trolls me by slipping homestuck reference into casual conversations, which usually go over my head but I can Tell She's Doing It sometimes cause she's so fuckin SMUG about it. and also I like listening to her talk about things she likes so I am gradually learning more about homestuck as a side effect of this relationship, when previously I had considered my utter ignorance re: homestuck to be a great source of my power. the things I do for love.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in holly’s wordle rules by hollyhoppet
I feel like there's something to be said for covering a lot of vowels, I was finding adieu pretty nice
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Favorite memory after getting a car by twovests
this is so funny oh my god
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in As a software professional who hasn't owned or used a windows machine in probably 15 years... by flabberghaster
cool this is good to know, thanks
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Playdate. (handheld gaming system by publishers of untitled goose game and firewatch) by oolong
oh this is a really fun idea. $179 far too rich for my blood though