the jp version of how it's made has very good bgm
youtube.com万能青年旅店 [omnipotent youth society] - 冀西南林路行 (inside the cable temple) [Full Album]
youtube.comSubmitted by oolong in post_music
La' Lasta by Skip Skip Ben Ben
downloads.maybemars.orgSubmitted by oolong in post_music
Revolt of the delivery workers
theverge.comThe disastrous voyage of Satoshi, the world’s first cryptocurrency cruise ship ("seasteading")
theguardian.com淋しい熱帯魚 (lonely tropical fish) / Wink
youtube.comSubmitted by oolong in post_music
Homework in Quiet time, by Hualun(花伦)
hualun.bandcamp.comSubmitted by oolong in post_music
oolong wrote (edited )
Reply to gimme 3DS game recommendations by Caribou
picross 3d: round2
actually, what was your homebrew experience like, i'm afraid of bricking mine (´TωT`)